Money Lessons for Children: What I want to do with Little Bun
I have been thinking a lot about how to introduce the concept of money, finances and reality to Little Bun without shoving too much adulting down his throat. Where I am scared abou
Independent means making your own money & means
Overheard in the subway: I am super independent, but I secretly want to find someone super rich so I can stop worrying about money, volunteer and do things that interest me. …
Curated Closet Workbook Exercise: Can I repeat outfits? How do I shop?
What is your stance on repeating outfits? I can repeat outfits, but not days in a row. Are you okay with wearing the same head-to-toe look twice in two weeks? Nope. I can’t d
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: We waste $18K on non-essential expenses apparently
We waste $18,000 a year on non-essentials? Really? I sort of find this hard to believe, but this is what USA Today says. What should we do then? Only go to the library and read boo
Ask Sherry: What name I go by & my intimidating wardrobe
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. Did you used to go by the name Serena or is that another blog
Week of Money: Where I am just counting down the days now
DAY ONE ??:?? — I don’t wake up tired at all. A miracle. 5:30 a.m. — I make a cup of green tea. 8:27 a.m. — I log in and start working. Someone sent me the wrong docume
Being cheap or frugal is not always the answer
I was watching a study on television that says by 2050, the planet’s temperature will increase by 1 degree. This ONE degree will cause major imbalances in the weather, partic
RRSP Basics – Age of Withdrawals, Rules, Taxes and Other Info
I am finding basic, easy-to-understand information about the RRSP hard to decipher on the internet between the Canada Revenue Agency and even bloggers. As there aren’t many C
How I managed to cut out a lot of frivolity in my shopping
I got this question from my Ask Sherry Anything Anonymously Inbox, but it turned into such a long piece, I decided to make it a post on its own. How do you manage to spend so littl
Curated Closet Workbook Exercise: My motivation and emotions around style
What is your main motivation for spending time on your style? I love coming up with combinations, textures, looking good makes me feel good. My whole attitude changes completely de