Why aren’t Asian guys dating Caucausian girls?
Absolutely Fobulous posted a great video on this, about Asian guys getting perplexed as to why Caucasian girls don’t date them in the same numbers as Asian girls date Caucasi
It’s easy to spend money when it isn’t yours
All this talk about entitled brats, and the proliferation of shows like “Princess” (love!) got me thinking about how brats can feel perfectly fine with that kind of be
Doing the best you can for yourself includes eating well
This is a food and health post, which is not something I normally write about, but it has been on my mind lately. Now, healthy to me is NOT skinny. This about sums it up for me: Up
Financial friends I wish I had early on
When I look back at the start of my college years and into the early years of my career, I really wish I hadn’t been so laissez-faire. I know that what I’ve accomplishe
10 expensive items to flaunt your wealth
From Moneyland Time (you should go read about all of these items in detail) 1. $90 T-Shirt from Goop 2. $25 Celebrity Lollipop from Sugar Factory 3. $666 Douche Burger from the 666
Best iPhone and iPod Touch apps to date
As you all know, I finally got a smartphone (iPhone), and I have to say, I can absolutely see what people like smartphones in general — that constant internet connection is a
In the world of Mochi and Macarons
I watched ‘Despicable Me’ and enjoyed it. This was my favourite scene from the movie with Agnes squealing over a fluffy unicorn: The second best scene was when he was h
Money As You Grow
This is a nice, interactive website for parents called Money As You Grow to figure out what to teach their kids at what age group. I giggled when I read these lessons for 3-5 year
Why do we need so many savings accounts and funds, anyway?
Really, all of my savings = my savings. It goes into one big category of “savings”, but within that category, I have allocated parts of my money to different priorities
Seeing my blog in 3D
If you have Firefox, you can right-click on any page, select: Inspect Element, and click on View in 3D. It is freakin’ awesome! You can even rotate it. Look at my blog in 3D!