In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week:
My heart.. it’s melting. MELTING at these adorable sibling & dog napping pics.
10 words every girl should learn. Scratch that, EVERY female, of ANY age.
In the 1900s, women thought they’d have these jobs in the future.
- When to skimp and when to spend on beauty products… this is what I ascribe to!
- Bald men everywhere rejoice! A permanent cure for balding… possibly?
- Climate change is real, everyone. Can we stop denying this?
- Who’s into J. Crew anymore? Not me. Banana Republic has been on the mark lately though.
- Great.. so it turns out Baby Bun will not be as smart because I don’t have a huge butt?
- Where do you splurge? Clothes or accessories? For me it’s clothes.
- Loved this financial story and journey. I ought to do one too.
- The only 5 women alive from the 1800s.
- I pretty much agree 100% with this assessment of luxury brands + you; I only disagree with Burberry because their trenches are divine.
Wow that last link must have been feisty because it was pulled from the site! I will have to try to find it elsewhere, now I’m curious!
The Asian Pear
Thanks for the link love.
Also, the 5 oldest women article is fascinating. Although truth be told, I would NEVER want to live that long. O_O;