No skill jobs are the worst on all fronts, not just in pay
Low-paying, minimum wage jobs which a large percentage of people who work in hate with a passion, are also low-skilled jobs that aren’t required to have an education to perf
Freelancers should treat themselves like a business
Freelancing makes people think you sit around in your pajamas all day, watching TV and getting paid for it. Everything about that sentence is true except the last part. As a freela
The #1 Personality Trait that’s the Key to Success: Conscientiousness
I’ve always been interested in learning what makes other people successful, and what makes them tick. I hear a lot of words being thrown around to describe these people: Ambi
Coco (Gabrielle) Chanel – Widly Successful and Financially Independent
We all know who Coco Chanel the icon is, and the brand name ‘Chanel’, most probably because of these two items: Chanel No. 5 Parfum Via Chanel Tweed Jacket Via I’
What do people mean by ‘processed’ foods? What counts?
This is my own personal definition of it, and others might disagree, but when I say: I don’t eat canned or processed foods, this is what I mean.. For me, the simplest way to
Investing Series: What is an Initial Public Offering or IPO?
This is a part of the Investing Series. ——————————————————- An Initial
Where to find Simple, Stylish, and Functional Cotton Fabric Bags
A simple, stylish, functional bag is a hard thing to find, I tell you. It is incredible how hard it is to find one that will meet your criterion, which by the way is the following
Is raising minimum wages the answer?
I was reading an article from The Economist in favour of raising minimum wages in the U.S. that compares how other countries do it versus the U.S.: Britain’s experience offers an
Eating more vegetables without knowing it: Green Smoothies
They look totally, utterly disgusting and unappetizing….. but surprisingly, they don’t taste like vegetables especially if you put mangoes in to puree rather than other
Financial advice I wish my parents had given me
When I got my first job flipping burgers, I wish my parents had sat me down and said: Listen up! Now that you have a job, you have responsibilities to take care of your money. (A