The money mindset and traits of self-made millionaires
So Over Debt had a guest post that listed out traits of millionaires: Millionaires Possess Self-Motivation and Drive Millionaires Save Their Money Millionaires Invest in the Stock
Who are the top 1% in Canada?
The magic number from 2010 numbers is that you have to earn $201,400 to be considered in the top 1% of Canada. Via That means about $16,783.33 a month as an income. The rest (inclu
What bothers me the most about eating meat – the hypocrisy
I am by no means a 100% vegetarian or a vegan, but what bothers me the most about people who eat meat, are the ones who say things like: “YUCK! I can’t stand seeing tha
When did it become taboo to fail and recognize your limits?
I’ve been thinking a lot lately. Mostly reflecting on random things, and it struck me one day that as a society, we’re pretty comfortable with being average or mediocre
Shopping: Where to find jeans for flat, small, and bony butts
It can be really hard to find jeans, but it is even harder when you have a flat, bony butt like I do. I am not being mean or self-critical, but honest and blunt. I have very small
Investing Series: How and What Determines the Value of a Stock
This is a part of the Investing Series. ————————————————- I naturally do not claim
Organizational Tape Hack: Never lose that beginning line of tape in a roll again
You know how it’s really annoying sometimes to find that starting line in the tape so that you can start using it? You end up scratching at the whole tape, feeling it with yo
You’re already as free, happy, and as rich as you want to be
Having more money won’t make a difference, really. People always think that the more that they save the more they’ll be free financially, which is true to some extent,
Canadians are spending more than they earn
Surprised? I wouldn’t be. According to the last calculation from Statistics Canada, the average household owes 165 per cent more than it earns in annual disposable income, me
I once lived in a mobile home for 6 months
Before I became a ‘minimalist’, or rather, a nomadic minimalist, I already had a growing tendency towards the lifestyle. I lived out of a 200 square foot mobile home fo