In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: The Most Dangerous Ways Children Get To School (Shocking Documentaries)
1. Grateful AF I made Little Bun watch this, and other videos in the series of the most dangerous ways children take to get to school. I mean.. this is serious. The things that par
Ask Sherry: On what I do for a living and how I get work
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. what do you do for a living? and how are you able to get gain
Week of Money: Where it looks like autumn is upon us
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up rested but still tired. My sinuses I think are the culprit in making me feel dizzy and nauseous because it throws off the water balance in my ears. I sh
What apps do I love to use on my phone
Note: I am in Canada, so some of these may not work for you. BROWSING Ecosia – Every 7 searches, plants a tree. They use the revenues from advertising to do it. Newsify RSS R
Don’t give your child a cushy, comfortable life.
Children enjoy working hard. They enjoy emulating adults around them, and trying to shield them from “all the bad things”, including things like budgeting, taxes, and b
Why do men focus on money but women on beauty?
One argument I’ve heard over and over again is that men focus on money, success and wealth because .. they want women. And women focus on beauty, style and wellness… to
Mariage Frères: Paris Earl Grey Breakfast Tea with Bergamot Review
MARIAGE FRÈRES enriches its incredible Earl Grey tea collection with this new blend of shimmering black tea with delightfully zesty notes of royal bergamot. Sensuous and elegant,
Wardrobe Edits I made in my 30s: How I changed my clothing choices & style
I am actually getting close to my 40s, but I thought I’d look back at how I used to dress versus now. #1 – Then: Mid-rise | Now: High-rise I always wore mid-rise back t
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: High fashion recreations with tape and seaweed
1. High fashion..!? This video is incredible, these women are SO CREATIVE in redoing high fashion magazine covers with whatever they have in their closet, some tape.. it’s ki
Ask Sherry: On COVID, Bilingualism and Workplace Issues
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. You mention that your son hasn’t left the apartment in six