Japanese minimalist futons: Great for your growing baby, child and teenager too!
Okay so I’m being a little glib and facetious in my title but I truly believe this. WE BOUGHT OUR BABY BUN A MINIMALIST FUTON We didn’t buy Baby Bun a crib, we bought
6 Major Acne Fighters and Skin Savers
I have struggled with acne for such a long time that I thought I’d list out all the things that I’ve done thus far to basically achieve acne-free, perfect skin. Of cour
The 2015 Mid-Year Money Checkup: How am I doing?
I did a quick January to June financial checkup on my income (both business and personal) and so far, am doing quite well despite all my attempts of self-sabotage with shopping and
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week: I know they’re just action figures, but… *tears up* .. these also reminded me of Baby Bun as a newborn Mama of the Year. She was NOT hav
The Credit Card Lesson of the Day: Keep your receipts!
So I think I may have mentioned this some time before, but my unusual-but-effective way of paying my credit cards each time I pay with it goes a little something like this: Buy som
Nothing bothers me more than a financially ignorant woman
We women really don’t have an excuse for not knowing where our money goes. Women who say: “Well but my father/mother/brother/partner/spouse is so awesome at doing that
Greece: The Modern Personal Finance Fable of our Times
Someone correct me if I am wrong but I think I am missing something in this entire debacle. THE SITCH Greece borrowed billions of dollars because they needed the money to keep the
What is in my purse
#whatsinmybag (baby paw not included): #Squeak bag from #etsy, mirror, j&j oil blotters, band aids, #jurlique hand cream, tissues, floss, #burtsbees balm, #fresh sugar lip balm
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week: This is beautiful…. she paints music, y’all!!! Secrets of supermarkets: #4 will totally, utterly, GROSS YOU OUT but #6 surprised me These or th
What does having more money really change in the end?
My parents were musing the other day about what they would do if they won the lottery. I always thought that if you had more money, you’d just have the same stuff… but