Being smart is useless if you’re lazy
I know a lot of smart people … or so they tell me. Know what I hear? I’m so smart, I know I could do better if I was just given the chance. I’m so smart, I don’
Sherry’s Ramblings for the Week
DEAR BLOG READERS… So I have been thinking. I want to be sure that I am doing stuff that’s interesting enough for everyone, but not to burn myself out. As you may or ma
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week: This ring is way out of my price range in the 4-figures, but my goodness it is shiny. For a cheaper $100 version, this one looks equally as beautiful. 15 s
Books for Babies and Toddlers I Would Not Recommend
I can only speak from my experience as a mother and just trial and error with Baby Bun. Here are the Top 5 toddler / baby books I WOULD recommend for new parents. Essentially, anyt
5 top books to give as gifts to new parents
I am not into gifts per se, being a minimalist and all but I have to admit, there are some books that Baby Bun is obsessed with (like everyone else his age), and here they are: GOO
Observations from my Two Weeks of Thrifting
I have been visiting a lot of thrift stores lately, not even secondhand because I consider that to be one level up from these places — Salvation Army (SA) and Goodwill mostly
Minimalist Gift Guide: What to buy someone who doesn’t want anything
It’s simple to buy things for a minimalist. First of all, you know that they don’t want anything so you don’t even need to hunt down the perfect item because it&#
Thrift Store Finds in My Two Weeks of Shopping
As mentioned, I went thrifting as an experiment for 2 weeks to see what I could find that I would actually pay retail price for, and not just because it’s cheap.. I found so
Sherry’s Ramblings for the Week
ALL OF MY BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS IN ONE SPOT I keep being asked for book recommendations, so I created a quick widget showing you all of my recommended books by category here. I̵
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week: My mother is a true blue royalist and she is obsessed with the Royal Family, so for her, here are Prince George’s newest third birthday portraits. Wh