Third Trimester Trials and Tribulations: Nearing the end zone!
Click here to read about how my first trimester went! ..or here to read about how my second trimester went If you aren’t interested in reading about how my third trimester went,
My mother thinks I’m going to be too hard on my children
Totally random post, but just the other day as we’re talking about Baby Bun, I voiced a few opinions about how I planned on raising my children. Giving them responsibilities
Principles of a Practical and Functional Minimalist Wardrobe
As requested, I have been asked to do a less stylish version of a minimalist’s wardrobe! I had originally posted about creating a minimalist wardrobe for men and women here b
How to guess what you are spending before budgeting or tracking your expenses
When you first start budgeting and you have NEVER tracked your expenses, it can be hard to know what you are really spending on things like gas, food, and eating out. Here are a fe
Spring Giveaway: 2 prizes of $600 or $100 in Cash or Amazon Gift Cards
 Want to in either $600 or $100 in cash / Amazon gift cards? Enter below! a Rafflecopter giveaway
Even celebrities have to manage their money or risk losing it all
Rihanna is saying her accountant Gounis from Berdon LLP screwed her in the following ways: Didn’t tell her she was running out of cash (went from $11 million in cash to $2 mi
Does milk in Canada have BPA in the bags or cartons?
This is a question I could never really answer because they don’t post it on the product itself, so I emailed the companies directly. You may think I’m paranoid and a f
How and what you can claim your business expenses on your taxes as a blogger (Canada)
As a follow-up to my post on how to declare your income and expenses as a blogger, I thought it would be a good idea to comprehensively list out what you could claim as a blogger w
The Bond Between a Mother and Her Daughter
I watched this in the morning before I left for my doctor’s appointment and it was such a bad idea because now I look like a hot mess and my eyes are all red and puffy. Just