In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
Emma Stone is on my list of celebrities I’d love to be friends with and she totally annihilated Jimmy Fallon in this lip synching contest.
This made me feel sick and nauseous on so many levels.
What a guy.
Go easy on the makeup, ladies, but don’t forget your sunscreen.
I myself don’t really like to wear very heavy makeup (sometimes I do), and prefer to opt for a more natural look..
…”natural” of course, being ironically that I have to slap on concealer under my eyes, on my dark spots, even out my skintone, wear a little eyeliner, mascara, neutral eyeshadow, a swipe of blush and some neutral lip balm (clear or very lightly tinted).
Also, it might help to learn how to figure out what your wardrobe essentials are.
This will make you cry and it only strengthens my resolve.
These Amazon reviews are hilarious!
Walking in between London’s tube stops, it’s really not that far…
Even in Toronto, I walk in between stops and it’s farther apart than in London.
The things college students will do to get by .. I wonder if they’ll get addicted to the money.
I have shared little Norwegian Angelina Jordan singing before, but here she is again singing the best rendition of Fly Me To The Moon I have heard in a long time…
You can find out more about her here and why she’s always barefoot:
Dogs annoying cats with their friendship:
Not that I really want to gloat but girls have been beating boys in all subjects for the past 100 years, but we STILL have a hangup about women in STEM professions. It says that women make less than men out of college, no matter the job or industry.
I guess I was an anomaly because I started at $15,000 more (yes, I even confirmed it by comparing my starting salary with the guys!). How did I get $15,000 more? I negotiated. Just as I negotiated my second job and got $30,000 more. (I’m a greedy biatch..)
Related to this, is a lack of confidence in our abilities in general.
Women have the money to invest, in fact, we have a LOT of money to invest, but we’re scared of investing it because we don’t think we’re financially literate.
It reminds me of a quote I read in a magazine once (Vanity Fair I think), where a woman politician says:
A woman thinks she needs a PhD to be able to converse intelligently and be qualified to give an opinion about foreign policy. A man thinks he’s qualified if he drives a Honda.
Can we stop underestimating ourselves and learn some confidence and swagger, PLEASE?
One place I’d really like to visit is Korea, specifically South Korea. I watched Urban Departures when they went to North Korea and it looked awfully stifling and controlled; never a good sign.
Speaking of Koreans, I <3 Sandra Oh in this interview.
(H/T to Revanche for the link)
“There is no shade in that beauty…”
Is it true? The more masculine you look as a woman, the more likely you are to be better at holding onto resources? Men find different women attractive based on their environments.
This is hypnotic. He must have put in hours upon hours learning and practicing how to do this..
How true. But as I’ve written before citing a statistic I found, only 4% of colleges are worth paying for. The rest are just takin’ your cash.
I am loving this breakdown of international ETFs to buy in Canada. I’ve been meaning to get around to doing this but Mark beat me to it and did a better job to boot.
He even breaks down which one is best to hold in which area (RRSP or TFSA)
The Asian Pear
I read the last one (with the brains) and instinctively, thought, “Oh… My lips are dry.” And licked it. Heh.
I’m glad you enjoyed my post.
I love when people do round-ups. They’re so fun to read through. Those Amazon review are hilarious. I’m actually crying from laughter. Loving that Vanity Fair quote. It’s so true, unfortunately. And don’t even get me started on the college comparison. So many emotions from one post. Love it!
That brain meme is hilarious! My fave is the chapped lips one. With all the buildings blasting their air conditioning this time of year I’m in a constant state of convincing myself to not lick my lips to moisturize them.
Also…I read that Amazon review in my boyfriend’s Russian accent lol He came here from Russia 10 years ago and didn’t know any English. Now he writes better than some people I know whose first language is English. Unfortunately he’s not a czar yet…
NZ Muse
Am I the only one grossed out by brain photos?
Gosh, London (at least zone one) is SPOILED for Tube stops. We were literally a couple of minutes from about 3 diff stops for 3 diff lines where we stayed. The second time around we stayed with friends (out in Clapham I think) which was like zone 3 or something, and that was definitely a long walk.