Are you generally a good judge of whether what you buy will end up being worn? How do you know?
Is anyone a good judge of what NOT to buy? Perhaps not, because we'd all be richer.
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where this guy won’t date hot women any more.
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge. where you get divorced in Silicon Valley with big money, big ego and big bills.
Why my love for mainstream retailing has started to disappear completely
I'm starting to lose my taste for retailing but thrifting has taken a big rise. I still buy at retail stores (on sale), but it is getting harder and harder to justify it.
A Week of Money: Where I score a $75,000 contract
A Week of Money where I score a $75,000 contract.
Beauty Talk: Maintaining my acne-free, clear skin – The Update
My updated skin & beauty regimen which has given me clear, glowing skin & unsolicited compliments.... and has kept wrinkles at bay.
On being the Female Breadwinner & Bringing Home the Bacon
I used to be a breadwinner girlfriend until I woke up and smelled the roses.
Travel Series: Should you use cash, credit, or travelers checks when you travel abroad to get the best exchange rate?
What should you carry when you travel abroad? Cash? Cards? Traveler's Cheques? It is always difficult to know what to bring.
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where Babies compete in the Olympics
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge. where clear coffee that doesn't stain your teeth exists and this is the real truth about cystic acne.
Review: Upper Class Fashion UK Women’s Vintage Air Force Flying Jacket Sheepskin Aviator Flying Jacket
Upper Class Fashion UK Women's Vintage Air Force Flying Jacket Sheepskin Aviator Flying Jacket from eBay