What does it mean to be an adult?
As a kid, I used to think being an adult happened once you turned the age of majority, which in my case, was 19. Or when I reached my final height and stopped growing 😉 Now, I&#
Being an equal in a (mostly) patriarchal world
Something I’ve noticed time and time again at home, or when I travel abroad is when I am with BF, I am not addressed as a person. He’s the one that gets the: How are yo
To live happily, you should always have a project
I firmly believe that the key to happiness is to have a project on the go. Something that makes you wake up and smile, or think about fervently while at work. Self-made millionaire
Look more attractive just by eating more vegetables and fruits
No, I’m not trying to sell you some vegetarian or vegan diet. Research has shown that the more fruits and vegetables you eat, the healthier you look and the more attractive y
The Necessity of Language: Why we all use and learn English globally
This article about how Quebec plans on reforming Montreal so that people speak more French than English is slightly disconcerting, especially when you read this: The Minister respo
Around The World in 3 Minutes
This should save me a lot of money. Three short 1-minute films entitled: Move, Learn, Eat that takes you around the world by filmmakers Rick Mereki, Tim White and Andrew Lees. 11 c
Who needs a college education anyway?
99% of us do, unless you have a crystal ball. For every SINGLE story we hear about of successful entrepreneurs who became millionaire/billionaires without a college degree from McD
In the world of Mochi and Macarons
QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE — THE LOST ART OF KEEPING A SECRET It’s just a damn good song. (And even if the beginning video still looks very suggestive) AWOLNATION —