How much should you have saved for retirement so far by age?
The average household income is about $50,000 in America, but that takes into account ALL age groups.
Here’s what it looks like as an average household income of Americans by age:
Via: NPR
If we take this model and take a look at estimated required retirement savings, we can be a little more accurate and have average benchmarks for what you should have saved by retirement:
Age 35 = $77,376 saved (1X your salary)
Age 45 = $235,551 saved (3X your salary)
Age 55 = $377,585 saved (5X your salary)
Age 65 (retirement) = $604,136 saved (8X your salary)
It’s no wonder that people are delaying retirement until the age of 80 because they simply haven’t saved enough to retire:
While respondents said they will need a median of $300,000 in total savings to support themselves in retirement, the average amount saved is only $25,000.
Only 22% say they have calculated the amount of money needed for retirement — whereas 75% of respondents said they guess.
So to put it in perspective, 75% of people are guessing that they need about $300,000 saved for retirement (median number taken from all age groups), but they only have $25,000 saved.
Even more frightening news:
Seventy-five percent of Americans nearing retirement age in 2010 had less than $30,000 in their retirement accounts less than $30,000 in their retirement accounts. (Via)
For those NEARING retirement age, they still had less than $30,000 saved.
If you aren’t freaked out by now about your retirement (at any age that you’re at), you should be.
It isn’t rocket science.
It’s discipline, it’s boring & painful (at first!), and it’s work.
- Figure out your net income
- Build a preliminary budget based on your net income, based on what you think you spend
- Track your actual expenses; they are surely higher than what you’re estimating
- Review your budget each month against what you actually spent
- Trim your expenses (or be more realistic in your budget)
- Save at least 10% (I prefer 15% – 25%)
- If you still have a gaping hole in your budget, then make more money
- The younger you start, the better it is, otherwise you’ll have to work later and later
Are you on track?
Im learning so much about investing and i have regrets that i didnt quite get this understanding in my 20’s, i am 48 years old and don’t have nearly what i would have if i knew then what i know now such as atleast saving 5% to get the match from my employer. The way things look now i will have to work longer to have more time to save for retirement.
Well…. Due to raising three children alone, going through a very messy and expensive child custody battle, having medical costs, and laid off from my job when the economy tanked, my savings have seen the black hole of emptiness. I am just about to turn 50, am two years from receiving a Bachelors degree (and a huge student loan). Because I live in Nevada everyone who is hiring at any level of employment will not hire if you do not speak fluent Spanish. Forget about experience- so I am trudging on my student loans for now. It is sad that after working from age 15 to 45 I am at this juncture. For those of you in your 20’s and 30’s, be happy with whatever job you have. Pray the company doesn’t lay you off, pray you can afford to pay for your medical needs without dipping into your savings, and pray your relationships stay strong!
I am 62, Have student debt. Have a 13 year old. Going through chils support readjustment?
Should I give up and work at Mcdonalds? Have 3 masters degrees
#7 made me laugh uproariously.
#7. Been there. Instead of laughing uproariously, I got a second, and sometimes a third job. I’ll be laughing uproariously when the slackers show up with their hands out.
Daniel Bergstrom
I’m 44 and have been saving as much as I could since I was 20. Currently we have around $840,000 in the market plus $400,000 equity in our home and some farmland worth around $350,000. We’re in good shape but I’ve sacrificed a lot in order to accomplish this and it hasn’t been easy. Currently I’m saving 25% of my income and so we don’t take a lot of vacations or have a lot of money for fancy cars or clothes. I guess some day I’ll be one of those millionaire next door types (who are wealthy but you’d never know if from external appearances). I wish schools taught young people about the importance of saving early. Fortunately for me, my father demonstrated the power of compound interest to me in a spreadsheet when I was 19. I remember being so amazed and just how big a difference it can make when you start saving early. I mostly invest in various stocks via a Motley Fool newsletter (which I recommend) and also use the TrendTimer software (which I also recommend).
Douglas Wright
@ Daniel,
CONGRATS! Your net worth is $1.59M making you a millionair. You didn’t mention any debt so just minus that from your $1.59M and see where you fall out.
I couldn’t agree with you more that financial management should be taught in schools and it disgusts me that it never has thus the reason that most of our population relies so much on entitlments provided by our government. Some may argue that this is a topic for parents or guardians to teach but if we can teach sex education we should be able to give our young people the tools they need to manage their lives without subsidies or handouts. I don’t blame the youngsters because they don’t know what they don’t know. If parents and our society doesn’t put some level importance on the topic then none will be assumed. Just think how much money we could save as a nation by tesching our young the skills to be self sufficient. Instead we spend so much time teaching charity. Don’t get me wrong, teaching charity and giving is a good thing. But their has to be a balance. We need to emphasize self-reliance just as much. Your father teachings on compound interest was priceless. Unlike you and like most of this nation’s youth today, I was never taught financial responsibilty. I was taught that just because I had checks didn’t mean that I had money. I guess I should consider myself lucky that I was at least taught that. In fact, it took my neighbor to enlighten me and coach me along back 2000. I was 36 years old. I’m 49 now, and playing catchup. Due to my late start, I’ve had to max out my 401K contribution at $17,000 – $17,500 per year. Starting in January 2014, I will continue to max out my 401K contribution by increasing to $23,000. You want to talk about sacrifice? My father told me that nothing worth while comes without sacrifice. He had a bunch of other cliches that I won’t share here.
Due to my lazy ignorance, I assumed that between SSI and my military retirement that I would be ok. And you know maybe I would be if I lived someplace other than California. Bottom line: we as a populus do not practice personal responsibility nor is it enstilled in our young which is making our nation stupider than the generation before and ever more reliant on GOVT.
Whew, almost went into a rant there!
Thomas Newman
I own my own place. Live in Naperville, Il . I started early too. I never made more than 21000. Have about 300000 in retirement. Net worth, over 400000, I know what you mean. I’ll coast into retirement, hopefully.
Douglas Wright
I think any article written to inspire THOUGHT about retirement is beneficial, regardless of how misguided the assumptions may be. I think most people and articles (such as this) focus too much on basing retirement income on current income/salary levels and project forward. I’m of the opinion that, planners should focus on the lifestyle they want to live in retirement and when they want to begin living it. For me it’s age 62. The sooner I can begin living everyday without having to worry about a paycheck the better quality of life I can live.
My suggestion is to decide your future lifestyle based on todays lifestyle. You should be mindful of the expenses you have today and measure that against your current income. Maybe your expenses equal 1/2 your income. Decide if you’re comfortable with that. Personaly – I’m not. My goal is to have retirement income of 5x my expenses as they will be projected in the future. I used excel to calculate future expenses by compounding todays expenses by a LIBERAL 3% every year for inflation. Once I got that number I was able to multiply that by five times. That is the income amount that I am striving to reach. To get there, figure in projected Social Security, your investments will make up the rest. Calculate the difference between what you need (5x expenses) and social security. What left is the income you will need from your retirement investments. You’ll have to figure how much you need in your investment acount at the time of retirement to make up that difference. Say you need to withdrawl $84,000 to make up that difference. For that amount of withdrawl, you’ll need roughly $1.4M in your account withdrawling 6%.
There’s a bit more math to do to reach your $1.4M goal. But to get there you have to start at your goal and work a path back to NOW. That will tell you how much to should be putting away today. Simply basing your retirement goals off of your salary is doing yourself a great dis-service. We all deserve to live our golden years happy and comfortable. You’re going to have to figure have you want to live.
Should anyone have questions as to my way of thinking, I’d be happy to answer them.
I agree with this. The whole X Salary never made sense to me. That means someone who makes $250,000.00 HAS to have $2M dollars just to survive retirement. Whereas, someone who makes $30,000.00 only needs a mere $240,000.00 to survive the rest of their lives? That makes no logical sense whatsoever. It really should be, as you say, what you expect your lifestyle to be. I currently work in a very expensive city, so make a salary commensurate to being able to pay my housing and other expenses here. What if I want to move to a cheaper place when I retire? Why am I going to need 8 x my current annual salary? There are a plethora of retirement articles out there, and it seems like 99% of them are based on what you are making now and multiplying that by some random number. This does not seem the least bit logical or realistic to me. We really need to have more savvy investment professionals who look at anticipated lifestyles instead. Even lifestyle today is not completely accurate when you’re thinking of moving or are willing to live below your current means.
I so agree with you. Let’s say I need $5000 to live comfortably today. However I have no house payment and car payment when I retire. Let’s say that constitutes 50-60% of my expenses. Then I reduce my remaining g expenses, I would only need $1500 to live exactly the same as when I was working. Throw in a monthly $500 per mth for additional medical expenses and it would only take me $2000 per month vs $5000 per month. If Social Security pays me $1300 per month, that leaves me having to come up with $700 per mth to live the exact same life I lived making $5000 per mth.
Don’t be too discouraged by these average numbers. I say if you are the type of person to frequent personal finance blogs and look up such information. You are definitely on the right track, or at least you are coming up with an idea or plan to get there.
Everyone’s situation is totally differently I believe. At least by your early 30s you may not be were you want to be or close to it. Or could be in a heap of student loan debt. Unless you went to school for a law degree, medical degree or anything that is in the high paying area then that is fine. Because you will probably pay off that debt fast and catch up on those savings.
These numbers have to be a joke. I am 29 years old and no college degree. But because of my experience and training in the military for 8 years. I am earning a 6 figure income, I just hit 300k net worth. This figure only includes cash and cash investments.
Terry Pratt
I’m not even close to being on track but then again, I think the benchmarks have a glaring flaw.
The benchmarks call for an equal contribution from everyone, whether they earn 1x poverty level or 5x poverty level or 20x poverty level.
The benchmarks say I should now have $60K saved for retirement.
My net income is $12K, or $1K per month. Who wrote the benchmarks and how much do they seriously expect me to save each month?
Weirdly, I’m on track or ahead with retirement savings (according the calculators). Australian incomes (or my income) are higher than those you listed, but even still, the metrics of how many times at a certain age is true. I’m not yet at 1x my salary, but I’m not 35 either 😀 I started adding $50 per week two or three years ago, cause women almost ALWAYS end up behind on retirement savings.
Budget or Fudget
Now I’m even more impressed by bf’s mom saying to me offhandedly when we were talking about retirement “bf’s dad just hit one million in his retirement and we just paid off the house!” Especially because he’s not raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. Something for me to shoot for!
We’re behind, but I’m also not done with school. While I generally think delaying graduate school for a few years is a good idea, it means that my late 20s will be playing catch up in terms of retirement savings.
Everyone should think about saving and planning how to live off their retirement some day. Of course a public school teacher who has a define benefit pension and never want to have children of his or her own should set different savings goal than someone else who has no pension waiting tables and plans to have kids in another five to ten years. I’m 25, what should be the salary multiplier I should use for my savings? I’ve not saved 1x my salary yet, but hopefully I’m on the right track.
I will be a ~1-2 years behind for the 35 year benchmark, but have every intention of ramping up once this debt stuff is behind me. $25k is kind of frightening.
My Shiny Pennies
I’m on track based on the data, but I also set me own retirement goals. I plan on withdrawing 4% from retirement funds annually and based on my annual spending, I will be able to retire when my savings reach $750,000. I’m not including social security since its future is uncertain. I’m also basing the number on the assumption that my mortgage isn’t completely paid off. Yeah, I like to be conservative.
Well, I’m turning 35 this year and my amount saved is closer to the 45 benchmark. Yes I’m obessive with saving.
Yet what is really interesting about those numbers is that the average income of 65+ is $43,000/year, but if you take 4% of that $604K, that works out to like $24,000/year. My research for Canada showned the majority of people retire with anywhere in that spread of income levels ($24k to $40K), regardless of their pre-retirement incomes! So perhaps we can finally stop using the stupid 70% income replacement rule and accept the facts. Most people don’t get to that level of income replacement (except very low income people which with government programs exceed it).-
Mochi & Macarons
I’d agree with that. I never understood why I would need $70K in retirement unless I was traveling the world in style.
Debt Perception
On track? I’m so screwed! Student loans eat all my income. Maybe when I’m approaching 50 and my loans are finally paid off I’ll be able to start saving for retirement. 🙁
Mochi & Macarons
Don’t feel disheartened. Anything can happen, the key is to keep your eyes on the prize.
Do or Debt
Ugh. My retirement benchmark for my age bracket is pretty much the same amount I owe in student loans 🙁 Oh well, I know once I get them paid off, I will focus on retirement!
Mrs PoP @ PlantingOurPennies
We don’t like to use our salary as a benchmark because the goal is to keep our spending roughly the same no matter how high our income goes. Besides 8x your salary isn’t going to provide a whole heck of a lot if you follow the 4% rule at retirement. That’d just be 24% of your salary – which if you’re used to spending 75-85% of it, is going to feel REALLY tough.
Mrs PoP @ PlantingOurPennies
But yeah, we’re totally on track. Even on track for retiring in our 30’s, hopefully!
Mochi & Macarons
I’d agree with not using your salary. I focus on my expenses, not my salary, although lately, it hasn’t felt like that to me, but I have time on my side.
I haven’t read all of the entries above and this may have already been said, but most people today have most of their money in qualified “defined contribution” plans like 401K, 403B, etc. because most people are employees. Qualified plans are tax deferred during accumulation but fully taxed on distribution. My point is that when talk of financial readiness in retirement is focused on a number of dollars saved, as much of this discussion has been, we must always be mindful that we won’t have all of those dollars available to us. They may be in our accounts under our name, but as soon as we remove them, the government is going to take anywhere form 15 to 35% of them. So we have to include this in our calculations of what we need as net income. Of course, if you’ve been saving in a ROTH account (not taking tax breaks as you go) this point doesn’t apply.