A Week of Money: Where I spend over $10,000 in a morning
A Week of Money: People are really great most of the time, but sometimes I wonder what goes through their head.
Don’t speak your mind if you can’t handle the response.
My public response to a reader who basically called me stingy for not wanting to pay for my aunt.
With the worst news, now comes the best news.
Am finally breathing a small sigh of relief. My hard work is paying off and I have my aunt's situation under semi-control & I also got a ....
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: The Human Pokemon
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge. where my nightmare is to end up as this Baby Boomer who only has $15 in her bank account in retirement.
Simple Living is Simply Living, not becoming a Monk
It isn't about wearing a horsehair shirt or living with only a cup of tea on a mat. Simple living is freedom.
The two things you need to pack when you travel.
Whenever I travel, these two things are #1 and #2 on my list after my Passport.
Getting rid of your In case of Emergency clothes
What are some of your Emergency items that you've kept in your wardrobe?
The True Cost of Fast Fashion
Fast fashion is something I am more and more, moving far away from. I used to be all right buying from H&M and Zara, but now, it's just getting to be too expensive for what it is.
How can they afford that and all about a desirable net worth
People fall into two categories: True millionaires (usually subtle and not flashy) or they're heavily laden with debt. What should your net worth be?
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: The Elements of Kate Middleton’s Looks
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge. where 8 men own as much as the poorest half of the world and a woman breadwinner talks about her salary ($220K) versus her husband's ($40K).