How passion for your life can pay off for you
From every person I can think of who is good at their jobs, and I recognize as being an outstanding individual, I am seeing a pattern — they love what they do and have a pass
Sherry’s Ramblings of the Week
WEEKLY RAMBLINGS? Thinking that I might just make this a Wednesday feature. I need a sort of impromptu, unscheduled post to randomly write about things. What do we think? THIS WOM
Why your net worth may not matter at all
Net worth, net worth! All we talk about in the PF world is how much money we have to our name, am I right?!? Well I am here to say that perhaps net worth is not that important as w
Thoughts: Big Spenders and their spending
This article from Toronto Life seems to have really struck a nerve with Canadians everywhere. Here are my random thoughts: 1. IT IS HIS (AND HIS PARENTS’) MONEY, NOT YOURS I
The Minimalist’s Guide to the Idea Jewelry Box
I was asked what my ideal, favourite pieces of jewelry would be in a minimalist wardrobe. As it is with style, my jewellery and accessories are FAR from minimalist, but I thought l
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week: Helen Mirren is a class act as always. I am in love with this dry shampoo. Great for days when you are a liiitle oily at the roots and want to refre
Travel Help: How and what to pack for traveling with a toddler
DURATION OF VACATION:Â 2 weeks We are going for a short little trip to see how things go. If all goes well, I’ll do more trips with Baby Bun, perhaps solo. MY PACKING LIST CL
Investing Series: Don’t liquidate, transfer your assets to fund your retirement accounts instead
Maybe everyone knows about this already but I didn’t, and I’m looking at someone out there to back me up on not having known this either (anyone? ANYONE?). I have all o
Learn some basic math and save a lot of money! (PLEASE…!!)
People listen up!! The majority of you out there suck at basic math. I am not even talking about math that you (rightfully) thought was utterly useless for real life everyday situa