Ask me Anything! – Responses Part One
I had such a great response to my Ask me Anything post that I figured I needed to start answering! I will keep the post open indefinitely so that people can continue asking questi
When should you “retire” and start taking Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) Benefits?
As someone who is thinking about retirement at an early age, the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) has always been a bit of a mystery to me. (Not to be confused with the other two OAS (
Stylish Wardrobe: Where to find quality clothes at various price points
I was asked by a reader and I am working on this list trying to brain dump where and what I shop for the following. I’ll update this post when I can think of more places to
Observations of a New Mother and Parent: Round Five
BABY BUN NEEDS A POSSE Now that Baby Bun is about 9 months old, he is starting to get BORED. Like seriously, you need to play with him and give him new “toys” to play w
Ask me anything!
Literally. Log in as Anonymous or put a fake email and name if you want. I may or may not answer certain questions to preserve my identity but I’m a pretty honest person who
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week: Secret rooms in museums. SECRET ROOMS, PEOPLE!!!! If you live in Canada, shopping online can be a hassle. I’m a huge fan of and have be
Travel FAQ: Where to buy high-quality authentic saffron in Madrid, Spain
I always come to this particular market to buy saffron in Madrid, Spain. In Canada, to find this particular quality of saffron, you need to pay a lot more for it in speciality stor
Why you shouldn’t choose your childrens’ careers
Obvious police right? Except.. in many families it is not. My friend is the perfect example of this. Her parents owned a business that made pretty decent money, but was located in
Conversations… with Save. Spend. Splurge.
Found a great list of questions from this book: ..and I thought it’d be a laugh to do it!: When I wake up these days, it is usually because of Baby Bun or my alarm for work