Which college degree makes you the most money?
Ever wondered what you should (or should have!!) majored in college? According to the Census Bureau’s 2010 American Community Survey, the majors that give you the best chance of
Americans earn about $50,000 a year
Median. Not on average. Via Planet Money Note on Income and Benefits: The income part of the data excludes dividends, capital gains and income from real estate, like rent payments.
Recipes: Steak Tartare with an Asian twist and Miso Sea Bass with White Rice and Asparagus
I like to eat but I also like to cook when I think I’m overpaying for something in a restaurant I could easily do at home. Enter: Steak Tartare with an Asian Twist and Miso S
The Art of Packing
I will come right out and admit I am not a fan of Louis Vuitton (the brand, not the guy who started it 😉 ). Let’s just say the print I find the least hideous is the grey a
Living on $534 a month, not including housing
$534. That’s what the IRS in 2011 thinks you can live on as a single person without including the cost of housing: Source: Mental Floss, May-Jun issue, Page 15 — A maga
My Top 10 Favourite iTunes Apps (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPod, iPad)
After a year or more of using Apple products, these are the not-standard-Apple ones that I continually click on, day after day. I always try the free stuff first, but I am willing
At what income do you think this is possible?
I’m curious — at what (gross) income do you think it is possible to do each of these things? Eat out for lunch everyday (at least $10 each time)? Go and get a massage (
How do fashion bloggers afford all of their spending?
Okay, this is definitely not a post that I should be writing considering my own shopping craziness. It should really be someone way more frugal who only owns 20 items in her closet
Finding out more about someone with great conversations starters
I was reading Snoop: What your stuff says about you (fascinating and easy read), and he listed a bunch of questions that were tailored to let someone get to know someone else bette
The Scent of Departure
This is pretty cool. As a huge fan of traveling, but not on perfumes in general, this is making me reconsider! The Scent of Departure concocted by Globetrotter perfumer Gérald Ghi