Top 10 Essential Accessories for Men and Women
I talked about the 10 Essential Items in a Wardrobe for Men and Women, and here are my 10 Essential Accessories for Women. Men, you really only need the following 5 accessories: A
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week: LOL!!! I love these Mommy Shorts Picky Eater’s Club photos & notes. Speaking of children, this Ugly Volvo post on Good Night Moon had me in
Travel Tales: Portugal and its Tourists
This will not become a series but it’s just a quirky observation or experience I had in particular countries I thought might be interesting to share. When we were in Evora, o
How to travel and see the world for very little money
We all have a deep-seated desire in each of us to travel, even if your idea of travel means going to the beach and sipping margaritas all day, whereas mine would be to hike all aro
Investing Series: What exactly is the Stock Exchange? (Video)
This is a part of the Investing Series. ————————————————- Ever wanted to know how the stock exchange works in general? This is a SUPER simple and e
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week: These are the coolest coins.. EVER. This Popeye one is pretty awesome but Amy Winehouse was cool too. Honest advertising slogans. I love the Maybell
Investing Series: You really don’t give a rat’s ass about your money, do you?
I am starting to realize that if you are a person who has…. ever randomly picked some mutual fund based on historical (past) returns haven’t looked at your return on s
You can only become rich only when you don’t care about becoming rich
Was thinking about this the other day, about people who are rich… but never made getting rich as their #1 priority to becoming rich. Sounds contradictory, but if we think abo
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week: These Chicagoan potholes are gorgeous! Just so you’re up to date, this is what is OUT and what is IN. Setting up the perfect index fund portfo