in the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I enjoyed this week including the most adorably dressed couple, and what happens when you stop smoking.
A Week of Money: Trying to be rich but not wasteful
A Week of Money: Where I barely spend anything and had a very good week making money.
Review & Giveaway: Dagne Dover Classic Tote 13″ and 15″, Midi Tote, Charlie Tote & Lola Pouch
Comprehensive review of the Dagne Dover Totes: Charlie Tote, Original 15-Inch Tote, Original 13-Inch Tote, Midi Tote and Lola Pouch.... oh yeah and a giveaway.
What are my price points for buying quality clothes?
Oh yes. I certainly could splurge on a Burberry coat (or three..) and I have!
Would you say you “know what you like” in fashion or clothing?
Can you definitely say you know what you like in fashion?
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge. where I feature some minimalist.. and I mean seriously minimalist Japanese homes (we are not there, and will never reach that level of severit
It’s just one person’s opinion.
Reflecting upon "Presence" and how I changed my own behaviour from a child to present day.
A Week of Money: Getting into the Groove
A week of spending in the life of Sherry -- this is my second week on my Semi-Emergency budget, and I am starting to like it.