When should you get married / be in a committed relationship?
At what age are you really mature enough to decide to be with one person?
PayPal Scam: How I could have lost a lot of money
Paypal Merchandise Payment Service Scam: Watch out!
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where you grab a tank and run down your enemy for revenge
Is marriage your golden ticket out of poverty?
December 28, 2017
Sherry of Save. Spend. Splurge.
A Week of Money: Where life just gets busy
Starbucks Holiday Challenge begins!
What is a skill you don’t have and wish that you did?
For sure I wish I had this skill and am working hard on it...
Who gets to decide whether a designer is good or not?
Sometimes I look at high fashion and I think to myself: This is what they call style? I can't even wear that on my worst day, and yet it is considered groundbreaking. This is a lit