Do you ever wish you could see into the future and choose?
Sounds silly but of course you would like to know if you did X, and it would have outcome Y, you could compare it to if you did B and had outcome C … I was thinking about thi
Busting the myth: French children are not perfect
So you know all the literature, and books about how French children sleep soooo well, are such great eaters and are perfect little well-behaved angels? See: Or: I am not goi
The Ideal Style Wardrobe: 5 Fancy Occasion Outfits
Out of a basic 50-piece wardrobe, you should have at least a few items that make you smile and/or make you feel different in some way. For most people, 3 would do it. For me it is
The Ideal Style Wardrobe: 5 of your Wild Card Pieces
Out of a basic 50-piece wardrobe, you should have at least a few items that make you smile and/or make you feel different in some way. These are items that for YOU is a piece you r
Mini Money Project: Dividend Investing
I sort of talked about this a bit on and off in my Budget Roundup posts, but until recently I have not dedicated an OUNCE of time towards thinking about it seriously. A lot of my s
Ask Sherry: Where do I thrift in Toronto and Montreal?
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. Where do I thrift for things in Montreal and Toronto? My very
Week of Money: Feeling very blah these days.
DAY ONE ??:?? — What the……. this feels early. 5:34 a.m. — FML. I thought he would sleep longer than this. Even until 6 a.m. would have made a huge difference for
The Ideal Style Wardrobe: 7 of your Trendy Pieces
Trends go in and out of style so it is hard to say what is in style and what is a classic piece. Skinny jeans were a trend until I made them a classic staple for MY wardrobe but so
The Ideal Style Wardrobe: 10 Basic Foundation Pieces
I say 10 but you could have up to 25 really because I love a GOOD foundation piece and I have plenty pieces I consider to be major basics. In a wardrobe of about 50 pieces, I think
Update: Parts of my Minimalist Home and Apartment – The Hallway
I originally posted photos of my minimalist home and apartment here, and thought an update was in order to see what has changed since I have last posted. The hallway hasn’t r