In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: The hottest in-demand job is to become a mistress in China…
1. Mistress
This is no joke, one of the most in-demand jobs of a woman living in rural China is to become someone’s mistress.
2. Ommmmmm
I have always loved sitting and using the meditation cushions they had at the yoga studio, so I finally picked up one for myself, if not for meditation .. just to be able to sit with Little Bun on the floor and play without my bum going numb.
3. Standardized
This is the truth behind “performance reviews” between men and women. I’ve always suspected it is a bit of a crapshoot for women because we aren’t viewed in the same light as men.
I’ve had incredible friends tell me how frustrated they are after their reviews when they seem to have done everything that was asked … and crushed it, but then are told they’re not “team players”. Would they have said that to a man?
4. Diffused
Finally, an essential oil diffuser that isn’t hideous. I am close to buying this, and some Bergamot and Lemon Verbena essential oils to keep my brain calm while at home. Fresh citrus scents keep me awake and alive.
5. Sanity
How parents can keep their kids busy at home during a quarantine when they’re asking a billion questions and wondering when they can go see their friends. Luckily for me, Little Bun (or sadly..) doesn’t really have any friends, so this transition has been blessedly easier than expected.
6. Seen it all
Can you believe the artistry of this $5000+ Judith Leiber cheeseburger purse!? I’ve seen it all now. It OPENS in the middle where the tomato/lettuce is!!
7. Wistful
I don’t think I’ll be able to go out … this year. I will be stuck in this condo until they find a cure for this in Spring 2021 because I am that scared of getting it and dying with my lung condition, so this simple outfit with a military jacket is making me wistful for my upcoming lost year.
8. Knockoff
If you have lusted after a Givenchy Antigona and cannot afford one, this Tory Burch dupe for a few hundred is pretty dang close. I also rather like the chic straw tote version she has.
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