In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: The hottest in-demand job is to become a mistress in China…
1. Mistress This is no joke, one of the most in-demand jobs of a woman living in rural China is to become someone’s mistress. 2. Ommmmmm I have always loved sitting and using
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Being a Mistress Dispeller in China is a real job, y’all.
..and please tell me you wash your hair at least every 2-3 days. O_o
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: My family’s slave. She lived for 56 years serving us without pay.
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge. where this dinosaur fossil looks like it came out of the Game of Thrones. The images are incredible at how perfectly preserved it is.
China in Motion: Visit China without getting off the couch
Timelapse延时摄影《CHINA IN MOTION 韵动中国》2013联合拍摄第1版ver.1 from Timelapse China on Vimeo. —————————&#
Travel Tales: Plastic Bag Toilets in China
Before you get the wrong idea from the title, it is something I witnessed, NOT something I personally did. I was in Carrefour in Beijing, kind of soaking up the differences between
Travel: What it’s like to visit China – High-Technology and Other Cool Things
This is part of my Travel Series. — First, there’s the Shanghai Bund skyline that impresses lots of people, especially tourists who have left their villages for the fi
You think you’re being frugal, but you’re not
I had a lady the other day crow about how she got such a great deal at Target buying 10 pairs of $5 flip flops in various colours when others are spending $20 – $50 on a sing
Travel: What it’s like to visit China – National Costumes and Uniforms of China
This is part of my Travel Series. — Not much to talk about here, just wanted to show some of the uniforms they have and national costumes in China. At the Great Wall of Chin
Travel: What it’s like to visit China – Working in China
This is part of my Travel Series. — RUSH HOUR IS NUTS, WORSE THAN WHAT I’VE EXPERIENCED Insanity! Can I just show you my video of how crazy rush hour is in the morning?