In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: My family’s slave. She lived for 56 years serving us without pay.
This dinosaur fossil is straight out of the Game of Thrones! How cool is it? You can even see the detail down to its skin.
If you have longish, thick hair, this hair towel I bought is really a timesaver in the mornings. I used it to wrap my hair in the mornings without first towelling it dry as an experiment, and it dried it pretty well. I would however, suggest towelling your hair a little to get rid of the excess water, and then bringing in this tiny, light microfiber towel to finish the job and get it about 80% dry. It is a great traveling companion as well.
I felt both angry and sad at reading this story on slavery, about this woman who became a family slave. These stories happen more than you think even when they are paid. I read a story a while back about a family who hired a helper and then locked her passport and papers away to keep her in indentured slavery, so to speak.
Limited. Edition. Ambient. Powder. I am sorely tempted to buy it, because I use my Hourglass powder so often as a light bronzer and as a blush, it is a real workhorse. Otherwise, you can always buy this super compact 3-light powder set, which is what I should have done instead of the full-sized version I own.
Women just aren’t into the marrying kind of man any more. Actually, we are in this position ourselves, not being married but we are together and have had a child. For us, it is more that we didn’t want to go through the whole ceremony and shell out $$$$ for a paper stating our official status, if you will, versus the more permanent commitment that we had to make to each other to have a child, which is something that truly binds a couple for life whether you stay together or not.
I recently pondered over which books to buy my friend who just gave birth to a baby boy (YAY!), and I decided on the following: Dr. Seuss Beginner’s Collection, this amazing touch/sensory ABC board book of letters by Xavier Deneux, and OF COURSE, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Speaking of marriage, these are some of the most over-the-top wedding photos of China’s couples.
My friend swears by this hairspray to give her hair bounce and wave in the morning. I don’t do anything to my hair, but I thought I’d share it.
The emancipation of the MILF – what happens to desire and sexuality as a woman ages.
I feel like this under $40 crossbody black bag would be the perfect “run to the park and do errands” size without being too ridiculously miniature that you are unable to keep even a phone and wallet in it. How do men do it? Oh wait… they have bulging pockets!
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