In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Female breadwinners pay the cost of making more money
1. Breadwinning bacon-bringers
Isn’t this the saddest thing you’ve read? Even if you are in the 29% of women who bring home the bacon, you still don’t get equality at home. Society still believes a woman should take on the bulk of housework, childcare and make all the money. Wow.
2. Safety First
I have started wearing goggles when I go out, to protect my eyes from COVID-19 droplets (I am serious), but the safety glasses we have are so bulky, unwieldy, they fog up and look HIDEOUS. So. I picked this pair up of anti-fog, safety glasses with blue light that look like stylish glasses.
3. Legal BS
In the 18th century, British men could legally sell their wives. No I am not joking. If it started out like this, you can see how women today are still bearing the burden of being treated like property, or an object.
4. Polished
I have been trying to buy natural (but effective) polishes, and rather like the Sally Hansen “Good. Kind. Pure.” brand for dipping my toe (GET IT!? GET IT!? I do pedicures!) into different colours for a reasonable price. I have Cherry Amore, Pomegranate Punch, and Fruity Papaya. I think I’ll pick up Be-gone-ia next.
5. Heard
You may not want to read this, but you should. I am not saying it applies to everyone in every situation, but I recognize having done this at least twice in my life (I no longer do), and it is something we need to be aware of as professional women.
6. Giving
How to give effectively and make sure your dollar goes far by allocation your charitable donations by making the biggest impact, and talking about effective altruism funds.
7. Wicked
This wicker clutch from Banana Republic with a crossbody strap, looks chic, yet casual without being too summery. A perfect winter piece when you’re still thinking of the beach.
8. Painterly
I love this peek into history, with a painter’s palette inscribed with the name of Amenhotep III.
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