Would women have a baby just to stop working?
I am noticing an odd trend in my circle. It’s tiny and not indicative of all my awesome friends, but it’s enough to make me whip my head around when I hear it. A friend
Ebates Canada: (NOT) Perfect for those of us who shop online
UPDATE: DO NOT SHOP WITH EBATES CANADA. ….UNLESS YOU WANT A HASSLE AND A HEADACHE. When I know what I need, I don’t bother going in-store for it, I just go online and o
Is your cheap sweater killing you?
Time Magazine “Toxic Clothing“: In April, Greenpeace purchased 141 items from 20 global fashion brands across 29 countries; these garments had been manufactured in at l
Who really hates their jobs?
In the (free) newspaper 24 Hours, they posted under Your Career on Monday November 19th 2012, the occupations who really hate their jobs with data taken from Payscale.com: Biggify
Are we more interested in our own status than making more money?
In a book I really enjoyed Theof Choice, it stated: “In most cases, more than half of the respondents chose the options that gave them better relative position. Better to be
Do we really discriminate against unattractiveness?
Short answer: Yes. We’re human and biologically wired to look for beauty (in everything). Long answer: Being attractive is not necessarily based on your actual looks. It mean
How to waterproof your shoes and boots
I don’t own plastic shoes. I just don’t like the feeling and they always make my feet sweat inside. I prefer leather or cloth. I’ve always used mink oil to treat
Habits: Learning what makes you tick
We all have habits. Mine, is to wake up, check on my iPod Touch what I have to get done for that day, all while still lying in bed. A new habit I saw forming, was wanting to buy a
Cardboard bicycle for $20
This is a great idea by Izhar Gafni, from Israel. He is close to producing it for real. It’s expected to cost a mere $20 and weigh about 20 lbs (9 kg) — that’s 6
What does it mean to be an adult?
As a kid, I used to think being an adult happened once you turned the age of majority, which in my case, was 19. Or when I reached my final height and stopped growing 😉 Now, I&#