In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Being a Mistress Dispeller in China is a real job, y’all.
Mistress Dispelling is a job. A JOB. A LEGIT JOB. I really hate this mentality however: “In today’s world, a secondhand woman is like a secondhand car,” he said. “Once it’s been driven, it’s not worth a fraction of its original selling price.” A secondhand man, on the other hand, Yu explained, is like renovated property in China’s real-estate market: “The value only appreciates.” WTF? Don’t you ever, EVER say that to me to my face in real life because you will get full-on brought back to earth. I guess this is why I am so fiercely independent, financially and otherwise.
I have this on my Wish List for Little Bun — This is how we do it by Lamothe, talking about the lives of children around the world and what they eat. I REALLY want to buy it.
I love this cost per wear breakdown from Cassie. My secondhand and thrifted pieces for sure are into the pennies so it can be hard to not only justify retail purchases (I am recently returning a pair of pants I bought and cannot stomach the $100 price tag because for that price I can buy DESIGNER, honey..). This is what I learned from 2 weeks of thrifting and exactly why my love for retailing for full price or sale has started to disappear…
I love this blue and red pleated skirt by Derek Lam (of course I d0).. it is like a gorgeous pleated jellyfish made into a skirt
Speaking of relationships, it can be really difficult to be 30 and “still” single because everyone expects you to be paired up by now, like in Noah’s Ark.
I am a SUCKER for striped pencil skirts that are off-center, but then I clicked on this skirt and gasped because the slit is… MAJOR. Definitely not work appropriate. Or even .. just going out public appropriate, honestly.
Guys, WTF? I wash my hair every other day, at the very least, every two days, but these people who go TEN DAYS WITHOUT WASHING THEIR HAIR? And think that a blowout is a substitute? Gross. I know that as a young, working mother, I sometimes skip a day because I just can’t.. even .. but without a doubt, no matter how exhausted I am, I always head into the shower the very next morning without fail if I have to. I DO NOT want to smell your oily scalp when I am walking by you.
I absolutely adore this stylish, strapless striped dress by Halston Heritage that is still a bit boho & eccentric.
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