In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where HyperLoop Hotel looks like a real thing
Audrey Hepburn’s home is for sale for $14 million if you happen to have that lying around and are interested. Just saying.
I really like this powder to use as a bronzer and as a blush. Basically anything but a highlighter.
This HyperLoop Hotel in the works sounds flipping amazing. I would try it just as a once in a lifetime experience even at over $1000 USD a night. Just once!
These are truly the most comfortable, supportive bras ever. It’s surprising.
Women hold 2/3 of the nation’s student loan debt. Part of it is the trend of more women going for higher education than men, but then taking lower paying jobs with more competition in the field (e.g. Generally non-STEM), and getting paid less than their male counterparts, which could be partly fixed by learning how to reject or negotiate a job offer. Here is how I got a $15,000 increase in my entry level job and then a $30,000 increase at a new job.
I have been using this Zojirushi travel mug and it is VERY good. Keeps my drinks cold and hot for quite a long time. Speaking of travel posts, check out this one on how other women travel like minimalists.
I’m glad this woman said something to these teenagers.
I don’t know if I love or hate these sunglasses. They’re trendy but … there’s something about them.
Want to see what a $6.3 million dollar wedding looks like?
My dream is to own a Rick Owens Lillies skirt. His draping is just phenomenal. Must clamp it down and hold it in.
What homework does to young brains. The problem I see is that if we let children just play all day and not start them on basic rigours of academics, they’ll be far behind the other kids of the world who are doing far more.
Everyone needs to collectively SCALE back, but the competition of supply & demand for “good” jobs and spots are scarce in many places and it becomes a vicious cycle. I hate the idea of homework for very young kids but what if homework was fun instead of boring? Homework that makes you go outside to experiment and test theories rather than on paper?
I almost bought this when I saw it in-store. I reined in my shopping instinct, but the mix of these stones in this statement piece is just too pretty.
”Are you washing your hair enough? I’m a huge fan of NOT washing and stripping your hair daily with shampoo.
I wash my hair every other day to every 2 days but I’ve been known to wash it more or less depending on what it looks like. I just listen to it. If it feels greasy even though I JUST washed it, I do it again. Just as long as it looks, smells and feels clean, it is good for me. I find I up the washing during summer and do it less during winter due to sweating.
What is my obsession with lace lately? This wedding dress is gorgeous enough to just be a regular cocktail dress to wear in my opinion. But if you need a wedding guest dress, I’d be all over this gorgeous Bordeaux-coloured option.
This is affecting the way you spend money. Who knew we had that bias?!?
I almost bought this magenta dress until I realized I already own something very similar in my wardrobe. I HIGHLY recommend the gorgeous colour to brighten up your mornings.
Cassie has just been killing it with classic, gorgeous outfits I’d wear in a heartbeat. It must be her new haircut. Here are two of my favourites so far: Nautical with a coveted Smythe jacket which I still want in navy (on sale or used!), and this outfit of hers featuring a gorgeous batik print top as a strong graphic print in my favourite blue that I am immediately drawn to but would have never thought I would have liked.
Bold and graphic. Everything I want in a rose quartz necklace.
Thanks as always to the Lite Adventurer (they are fellow minimalist travelers) for linking to my post about traveling with a small child.
Thank you for the link love! I often hear from people with kids that traveling light with little ones is impossible, so now I have a real life example I can point to and show them that it can be done.