Ask Sherry: How to stay on track with debt management & An Apology (Accepted)
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. Hi Sherry! I’m about to live off of a line of credit fo
Net Worth by Age (Informal Instagram Survey) & Breakdown with Details
Net Worth Survey I did a short little informal survey, inspired by Alyssa @mixedupmoney to NORMALIZE that net worths span a wide range, even within an age range, nay, an AGE, you c
Basics about Credit Scores & their Systemic Discrimination
People basically know f*#$ all about credit scores blogged here with ACTUAL COMMENTS from people about the misconception of how credit and credit scores work. You should really rea
Who has the most in debt in Canada?
Over 60% of household debt was held by those under 45 years of age, and nearly one-half was held by couples with children. Individuals who had a household income of at least $100,0
Is personal finance talk .. privileged?
We talk a lot in the money community about debt, savings, investing, and building wealth, but truth be told, sometimes I wonder if this is all very privileged conversation. There a
PSA: Don’t postpone joy
*PSA = Public Service Announcement So. I just want you all to know that I am still all about meeting money goals, crushing it at work and being an overall badass, but if there is s
My greatest money fear: To be a HENRY
My greatest money fear from the get go, has been to be a HENRY. I didn’t even know this acronym at all existed, but HENRY stands for: High Earner Not Rich Yet I do not ever w
People know f$&@! all about credit and credit scores
I am completely flabbergasted, but not shocked at how little people know about credit cards, credit scores and so on. The misconceptions of what cards do, and cannot do, is kind of
I hate the “Helpless Victim/Maiden” routine
Now I am going to be pretty blunt in this post so… be forewarned. OK… so this is unrelated to personal finance, but then it came out of the blue when I am watching seas
Should you save more money in retirement or clear your mortgage?
Reader JW was wondering if clearing a mortgage or investing the money instead makes more sense. This age-old question also applies to if you are in debt – should you be savin