In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where a Canadian woman Donna Strickland won a Physics Nobel Prize
The first Canadian woman to win the Physics Nobel Prize: Donna Strickland. WOO HOO!!! And from Waterloo, Ontario.
This bag from A.P.C. looks so sleek, minimalist and stunning. It is such a fantastic piece that would go with everything.
It is stories like this about this woman basically tricking a guy into giving her a $100,000 ring and then f*cking up his life that gives women a bad rap and reputations for being ‘gold-diggers’ and the like. I mean… what a #%(*#%)…. He was also a bit too gullible. Poor guy. He just wanted love. 🙁 I hate stories like this. I have also heard similar stories with the guy f*%#(%ing up a girl’s life too, so….. but still.
How cosy and cool does this A.P.C. wrap coat look? It is still affordable compared to other designer coats, but still $$$$…. although with the prices of midrange brands like J. Crew asking $500 for coats, this is right up that alley.
Right out of a television series like Castle — one of the biggest prostitution rings busted in NYC was run by a cop.
For the price of this coat, you can afford to try out a trendy bright colour instead of something classic and neutral and it looks so incredibly chic and far more luxe than the price.
10 remote worker jobs for people who love to travel (or hate commuting like me)
I love the bright cobalt blue of this TopShop Crepe Trench.
Is “Made in Italy” the same as sweatshop and slave labour now? Wow. The shadow economy of luxury goods and things “made in Italy” makes you wonder if you can buy anything these days without feeling guilt. I think secondhand / thrifting has to be the bulk (and has been) of my purchases.
If you are looking for a statement necklace, this blue “stone” one is stunning yet not flashy….
Ok, have to correct this – Strickland is first in 55 years not the first 🙂 Marie Curie was the first.
Anyway, they (we) are underrepresented in that category…