The Necessity of Language: Why we all use and learn English globally
This article about how Quebec plans on reforming Montreal so that people speak more French than English is slightly disconcerting, especially when you read this: The Minister respo
Are the Millennials screwed because the Baby Boomers are screwed?
Sort of in the same vein as my earlier post in August: Outsourcing and how it affects the job market, I came across an interesting article: Are the Millennials the Screwed Generat
Why would I want to be a millionaire, if my lifestyle is crap?
Normally, I LOVE ordinary millionaire/rags-to-riches, stories on Dr. Stanley’s blog, but this entitled “Big House only after Big Wealth” made absolutely no sense
The Poor versus The Rich: Spending Habits
It goes without saying that 5% of a budget varies greatly, so here are some numbers to keep in mind: 5% of $150,000 = $7500 5% of $70,000 = $3500 5% of $20,000 = $1000 The percenta
Are we all just liars?
Okay, that was a controversial title, but it makes me wonder if people think that. I was reading through comments on blog posts about how much you should have saved by the time you
Is growing up rich all it’s cracked up to be?
I grew up middle-class, and didn’t want for the necessities, but I certainly wasn’t flying around in private jets with my friends or walking into a walk-in closet the s
It’s easy to spend money when it isn’t yours
All this talk about entitled brats, and the proliferation of shows like “Princess” (love!) got me thinking about how brats can feel perfectly fine with that kind of be
Why do we need so many savings accounts and funds, anyway?
Really, all of my savings = my savings. It goes into one big category of “savings”, but within that category, I have allocated parts of my money to different priorities
Almost Rich: Earning $160,000 – $200,000 a year and barely making it
There was an article shared by Single Mom, Rich Mom in her post Judgey McJudgeypants referencing a Toronto Life article entitled: “Almost Rich: an examination of the true cos
Zooey Deschanel doesn’t spend everything she makes, why should you?
Zooey Deschanel, star of ‘New Girl’ (love!) who has also appeared on ‘Top Chef Masters’, and is the younger sister of Emily Deschanel, the star of ‘Bo