What else you can use in Canada to save for your child if you have already maxed out your Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
So I always put in $2500 a year for Little Bun’s RESP to get the maximum 20% match from the government and the province. I don’t put in more than $2500 because at the r
How not to raise a privileged brat… (things I am trying at home)
So. Privileged brat. This is a #FirstWorldProblem angst a lot of us newly-minted folks feel, especially since we aren’t used to thinking about it at all. The key for me, is t
Reason #127592 why I need to be wealthy: People aren’t poor because they’re lazy
A big reason of why I have to be wealthy, is so I can help without jeopardizing my own future. What do I mean by that? As an immigrant, I mean being able to send back money to fami
Canada Estate Planning for Tax Efficiency Rough Guide
This is a general guide. I came up with this out of some general rules from reading and researching and they are this. RULES There is no inheritance or estate tax upon death Upon d
What should my net worth be by age group (with and without homes) .. and the Top 1% Net worths
There are lots of ways to calculate what a benchmarked net worth should be. You can read all of my posts on Net Worth here. The data can be broken down in various ways. Net Worth W
Our combined net worths are $2.2M – Added Notes on the Journeys
My partner has literally zero interest in counting his money like Midas, and I am the opposite, constantly tracking and creating charts on my progress, and looking back with pride
How to make almost an extra $500K over your lifetime: Comparison of dividends versus salary & capital gains
Dividends (depending on your province) are a great way to make an income and pay barely anything in taxes. If you’re tax efficient, $30,000 in income is NOT EQUAL across the
Is personal finance talk .. privileged?
We talk a lot in the money community about debt, savings, investing, and building wealth, but truth be told, sometimes I wonder if this is all very privileged conversation. There a
How to become a millionaire at retirement starting with nothing $0 at ages 20, 30, 40 and 50 (Added: 25, 35, 45)
Age-old question right? Well here you go, this is what you need to invest in the S&P 500 index (either in a mutual fund or an ETF), and let it sit and marinate over the years:
Tax Efficiency Strategy: What I plan on doing as a long-term plan to minimize taxes
I’ve been interested as of late, in tax-efficiency strategies because I don’t talk about them often, but I do practice them. I realized (from comments and questions) th