My Story of How I Grew my Net Worth – Part I – First $500K
Disclaimer: It is unusual, and even unrealistic so please don’t think that this is the norm. I just thought it would be interesting to share how it happened and Tim’s s
Buying versus Renting versus Mortgaging
So here are all my numbers. The place I end up buying will be a condo, which means I need to pay taxes and condo fees in lieu of rent. WAIT, WHAT? DOESN’T BUYING A HOME MEA
Working Mother shaming & why we need to just STFU
I just got judged by my neighbour the other day. I was kind of chuckling at the judgment but we’ll get to why later on. She basically said to a room full of mothers and fathe
Investing Series: The Canadian Beginner’s Step-by-Step Guide on your Money
The Canadian Beginner's Step-by-Step Guide on your Money. If you want step-by-step help and screenshots, check out my book: Investing Like a Boss for sale @
There is nothing more sexy or satisfying than having your own money
As a woman especially, there is going to be nothing more sexy or satisfying than having your own income. I say this after (re)-reading this book: The book talks about Manhattanites
The hard truth about working as a young woman in a male-dominated career
So I’m a young woman, in a STEM career (Science Tech Engineering Math)… and I always get these comments: “You’re just a baby!” – Co-Worker when
The 5 Step Plan To Budgeting and Getting Out of Debt for Beginners
You don't have to live like this. Get out of debt today.
End of 2015: My current investments and allocation portfolio
So just to recap, my current net worth is: $547,022.49 Of that amount, I have approximately 58% of it invested and the rest in cash. ER….WHY SO MUCH IN CASH? Half of it is ac
Extreme saving is a disease when you don’t enjoy your life
Being too much of a Saver is just as bad as being too much of a Spender. Everyone always talks about how spending too much money extravagantly, frivolously (by who’s standard
Nothing bothers me more than a financially ignorant woman
We women really don’t have an excuse for not knowing where our money goes. Women who say: “Well but my father/mother/brother/partner/spouse is so awesome at doing that