What does living like a millionaire mean?
What does it really mean to you? Is it a dollar amount, behaviour or...?
What is the median net worth of Canadians by age, province and major city?
Asked & delivered! Here is the median net worth of Canadians by age, province and major city… Here is the MEDIAN of a Canadian’s net worth, not an average. The aver
Ask Sherry: What is my dividend investing strategy?
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. What is my dividend investing strategy? Yes. You know what, I
Retiring early is a privileged choice that only the top 10% could really make
Tim (a great Canadian blogger friend), wrote a very thoughtful, wonderful post on whether or not Early Retirement is Elitist. He has peppered the post with facts about median incom
Earning $1.5 million doesn’t necessarily mean more savings
I was reading a Money Diary the other day — Executive Director with a joint income of $1.5 million, and when I read their savings and other such notes, a light bulb went off
Little Bun and Class Anxiety about raising him
And now, how do I make sure that Little Bun stays grounded?
Ask Sherry: How much of your net worth is from savings versus investing?
Ummm.. I have no exact idea but this is what Little Bun drinks...