Most of my friends are Privileged Rich Kids
I came to the realization the other day that most of my friends are Privileged Rich Kids (PRK). Not all of my friends are PRKS, to be sure, but I always thought it was just a few p
Women are losing $500,000 over the course of their careers
The One Career Mistake That Could Cost You $500,000: In a study cited by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever, authors of Women Don’t Ask, if a woman doesn’t push to ask for mo
Women: The new rise of wealth and spending in a global marketplace
Edit: This post was written before my other one where I asked if anyone felt guilty for their success. Some great points & comments came up in the post, and I realized I wasn&#
Do you ever feel guilty for everything that you have and make?
Someone recently asked me if I felt guilty that I could charge so much money per hour as a consultant, and I could basically making in a month or two what some people make in a yea
Imagine if you were ‘Born Rich’: A documentary into the lives of those who were
This documentary was created by Jamie Johnson of Johnson & Johnson, who was then 23 years old, and an heir at his 21st birthday to part of the Johnson & Johnson fortune. Am
Save like a developing country: Global savings rates around the world
The only data I’ve been able to get for all the countries at once, is for the year 2010. Luckily, it isn’t so far off from 2013, and the savings rates at a quick glance
Could having too much money make you suicidal?
Time magazine came out with an article: Why suicides are more common in richer neighbourhoods, and says researcher Daniel Wilson (Senior Economist @ San Francisco Fed), found that
Where do the richest people in Canada live?
In Ontario apparently. Via Here are the numbers.. with my tongue-in-cheek commentary: Ontario: $86.75 billion — Proximity to U.S.A., Toronto is also very dynamic Quebec: $30.
Would I ever use the American Express Platinum or Centurion (Black) cards?
American Express has these super uber high end charge cards, and Bridget of MAG, just recently got one. NOTE: They say “charge cards”, because whatever you buy, has to
Are we more interested in our own status than making more money?
In a book I really enjoyed Theof Choice, it stated: “In most cases, more than half of the respondents chose the options that gave them better relative position. Better to be