Is growing up rich all it’s cracked up to be?
I grew up middle-class, and didn’t want for the necessities, but I certainly wasn’t flying around in private jets with my friends or walking into a walk-in closet the size of most of apartments (flip through this Tumblr blog: The Rich Kids of Instagram shared by the lovely Bridget of Money after Graduation).
Then (obviously) I know about the Hilton sisters, the Kardashian Klan, and most recently, I read about these Ecclestone sisters, who are offspring of Bernie Ecclestone, Formula One billionaire.
All of their wealth is just mind boggling.
I’m naturally (and humanly) envious of course (who wouldn’t be?) at the weekly massages, private jets, wonderful vacations and a general feeling of luxuriousness in their lifestyles.
…but then I started musing out loud to BF about their life, and I came to this conclusion:
It’d be boring to do nothing and shop all day.
I obviously can’t test these theories out, but I have experienced a small chunk of it with lifestyle inflation, where I start getting used to little luxuries and I can’t go back to to the lower quality or lesser frequency of whatever I had treated myself to before.
So having all this money, being able to buy whatever you want.. this is all great if you grew up with absolutely nothing and appreciate the littlest of things, but if you have grown up with always having everything without having anything to want for, it makes life become boring.
By boring I mean: Bland. Unchallenging. Too easy.
Want a ride in a helicopter?
Yawn. I could buy that 15-minute ride with my pocket money. Hell, why don’t I just take dad’s helicopter out for a spin?
With all of this money that you could fill a swimming pool and swim in, why would anyone want to be challenged to work?
Now, I know that the super-elite mentioned above DO work to some degree (I think the Kardashians for instance, work a hell of a lot even if it seems like fluff), but when you read comments from the Ecclestone sisters where they seem to have half-heartedly tried to get a university degree (or not at all), it makes you wonder if all that wealth is wasted.
(A side note on the Kardashians, Kim Kardashian works like crazy to build her brand and business. I remember watching an episode with her stepsister who wanted to be a model but didn’t want to put the work into learning how to catwalk properly. In the episode, Kim said out of frustration: You have to work hard. REALLY hard. That raised my impression of her.)
Just like how youth is wasted on the young, wealth is wasted on the rich.
But the others? They could do so much more for themselves and to challenge their minds, aside from what they really DO accomplish, such as raising millions for charities.
I am not saying all rich kids are like this, but I wonder if I’d be just like them.
I would not only take everything for granted, but I wouldn’t WANT to work and to not be challenged. I’d want to sit around and just stare at my clothes all day.
It’s just so easy to spend other people’s money, but a lot harder to make and save your own, although it gives a greater sense of satisfaction.
It gives me and many people a great sense of accomplishment to have reached such heights on our own (of course, there’s always support from society and family), but everything we have, we have it because we saw it as a goal and achieved it.
Then again, I know a lot of rich kids who grew up to work as hard as anyone alive, starting their own businesses with their own money and making it on their own.
The only thing is that they are probably still not as hungry. They know their parents would save them if things got really, REALLY bad.
People without parents who have the means, don’t have that comforting safety net, so they hustle harder.
..or is it just based on the person?
I am sure on the flip side, there are poor people who are lazy as hell, just as there are rich people who work like maniacs.
Still, food for thought about what I’d do if I were filthy rich. I’m curious as to what kind of person I’d be.
Wow. This is such a judgemental post. How harsh to judge a person’s worth solely based on their financial upbringing. So if someone doesn’t work hard to earn their own living, then it must mean they don’t value the money given to them by their family. It really is strange living in a country with such strong puritanical values. How can you live a life with so much guilt and pressure to succeed hanging over our head? It seems like hell on earth to me.
Mochi & Macarons
That’s exactly what drives us to succeed. Although it is partly due to jealousy, it is also because I see it in my own family with superrich cousins who are basically bums waiting for their parents to die.
Gillian Money After Graduation
I definitely am glad I have to work for my money. I know people with rich parents who pay for everything and they are entitled and have little work ethic. I think you need to struggle a bit!
I take a look at my relatives who grew up with having more than me and realize they were so used to having everything handed to them, they still don’t know the true meaning of hard work or working harder than you’ve ever had or surviving with less. They are not as careful with their money as I am and live quite lavish lifestyles. I am quite sure they make more than I do, but I am not so sure they have saved as much I have,
I am proud to be financially independent and not have to ask my parents for help. They are retired and shouldn’t have to worry about supporting their grown-up children.-
Mochi & Macarons
Interesting. I’ve noticed something similar with friends making around the range of income I’ve been fortunate to have for the past 4 years and they have not saved as much as I have either. That’s even with my taking off 2 years in between.
I’m really grateful to have NOT grown up uber wealthy. While I’m annoyed by the burden of my debts or limits of my income, I appreciate the motivation to get ahead. I’m really interested in how much wealth I am personally able to create — I’m really glad nothing was handed to me.
Mochi & Macarons
Although would you feel the same between let’s say growing up in poverty versus middle class, or the biggest jump from poverty to filthy rich?
saverspender @ save. spend. splurge.
Buffett said the same thing.