Funny Reality: When you…
Funny Thoughts on Life: When you and Baby Bun realize your partner made our favourite pasta for dinner...
April 10, 2017
Sherry of Save. Spend. Splurge.
When the unexpected happens. The scary side of freelancing.
The dark side to freelancing is that you cannot control everything no matter how much you make.
Funny Reality: When you…
Funny Thoughts on Life: Like when your neighbour brags about how her kid has been to 9 different countries before the age of three... *eyeroll*
It’s just one person’s opinion.
Reflecting upon "Presence" and how I changed my own behaviour from a child to present day.
You can just leave me out of that crap.
I'm sick of this Super Woman myth that we keep perpetuating.
Wandering into the unknown.
May have to schedule a brain scan next month to figure out what's wrong.
Changing from size to size: Coping with the style & emotional transition
Changing sizes can be quite an emotional journey, due to any number of things - stress, general weight loss or becoming pregnant & post-pregnancy.