Do you worry about how pretty or good-looking you are?
Self-image seems to be a problem. A problem in the sense that everyone struggles with it at some point in their lives, mostly during the awkward years of turning from a child to an
The aftermath of giving up your career to stay at home
In a link shared by reader Jaime (who should really have her own blog because she has such interesting insights), NY Times re-visits women in the 1990s who gave up their high-flyin
I gave up a quarter of a million dollars to be with my family
And it sucks. It’s really hard being a working mother, particularly since we have to go through 9 months carrying a child and then take at least 3 months off after the birth
Where do we draw the line at cultural customs?
Pakistani man kills his wife for making him a vegetarian dinner. I know it sounds like a sick and twisted jokeĀ but it isn’t. She cooked him lentils instead of goat meat and
Where would you live if money was no object?
My post on living in an ideal city got me thinking — if money was no object, where would I live? The answer is obvious to me. I’d live in California. Where exactly in C
Living without a smartphone seems to bother some people
Specifically, my NOT having a smartphone seems to irritate / irk some folks. (Mildly botheredĀ of course, they’re not rabid mad at me for not having one, but it just bothers
The Human Cost of Electronics: Who Pays the Price?
Not only is it wasteful to upgrade your phone every year or 2 years, it’s also hurting those who make it: Brands should take responsibility for supply chain responsibility, b
Why is healthcare so expensive in the U.S.?
Here you go! An American (John Green) with the facts about American healthcare versus global healthcare and it surprisingly comes down to negotiation……
Ridiculous cultural preferences for a baby boy or a baby girl
A small rant today. I don’t believe in preferring one gender over another, but many cultures do this, and it’s mainly the baby girls that get killed, aborted, abandoned
Why are we so cheap for our health?
My mother has not been to the eye doctor in years and just recently mentioned that she’s been seeing “floating things” and it’s been getting worse. Alarmed,