Why do we women accept these “Helper”, “Caregiver” roles for ourselves without questioning it?
This news bit that cropped up in Canada lately about Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau needing help to ‘serve the people’ annoyed me when I heard it. 1. WE AREN’T A SUPE
Budgeting Help: How a family can plan and save for traveling
A great reader request came in to ask me how we plan and save for traveling as a family, particularly one in debt and trying to save, get out of debt and still enjoy life. DO NOT F
Why do I feel the need to prove myself in doing silly challenges I will never accomplish?
I do challenges because I think I’m weak. Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. All I know is that I am not in the position to need to be challenging myself or depriving myself of thi
Sherry’s Ramblings
I have no other title for this kind of post, but they’re random thoughts and I can’t make a post out of that would be worth anything, are too long for Twitter & ar
Having lots of money doesn’t really make you happy
People think with all this money I make in such a short amount of time, I should always be happy but money doesn’t change who you are or how you feel above a comfortable inco
15 things to do at 30 to feel great at 50
I was thinking the other day about things we should all do now to have a better future. It is easy to look back with regret (like I have) on my teens or 20s and said: “Oh I w
Why I am giving up (another) $250,000 to be with my family
So I did this once already for Baby Bun. …and here I am, doing it again.. but this time I feel like an ingrate. People would kill to make the money I do, and to be given the
Try being a little pessimistic for a change
Most people are pretty optimistic, happy folks. Or at least, they try to be. When you make a lot of money, the world is all sunshine and rainbows, things never look or feel
Observations from a new Parent of a Toddler: Approaching the 2-year mark
Babies are still big fat liars even as they get older Literally, big(ger) than when they were born and fat… so chubbily cute that you can’t help but laugh through your
The Cloth Diapering Guide for Beginners: Bummis Boutique Review
I’m going to spoil it all for you here and now. I LOVE cloth diapering Baby Bun. I was actually hesitant when we first said and committed to doing it, but over time, I have r