What is a skill you don’t have and wish that you did?
The ability to stay calm, not say anything, think twice before saying anything and be less impulsive.
What’s that called?
I have a pretty big mouth. I’m pretty opinionated (duh, if you haven’t noticed), I’m pretty passionate about things.
This can come off positively as:
A Leader
Like a Boss
Or negatively as….
…so if I could just learn to keep my mouth shut, things would be great.
I am working on that. I really am. Career-wise, life-wise, I need to keep a lid on things and think twice.
I am unable to think quickly enough to stop myself from saying: SHUT UP SHERRY, but I’m trying to work that into my knee-jerk reactions to people around me.
I’ve always wanted to be able to more quick-witted and articulate. Usually by time I come up with a reply, the moment has passed.