When should you get married / be in a committed relationship?
At what age are you really mature enough to decide to be with one person?
PayPal Scam: How I could have lost a lot of money
Paypal Merchandise Payment Service Scam: Watch out!
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where you grab a tank and run down your enemy for revenge
Is marriage your golden ticket out of poverty?
What is a skill you don’t have and wish that you did?
For sure I wish I had this skill and am working hard on it...
How being bullied in school shaped me
I went through a terrible phase (who didn't) except I was teased and bullied during school.
Treating yo’self – The guilt of wanting to upgrade your lifestyle
Why I am upgrading from a used secondhand junker to a fancy new car.
October 28, 2017
Sherry of Save. Spend. Splurge.
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge: Where this is the salary of what people are making (for real)
I finally found an article that speaks to the emotional labour and the division needed in the household. One of the best articles all year.
What do you do to your hair?
I had no idea hair was so full of stigma and meaning until I started talking about it.
Haters gonna hate: Why do women hate on other women?
Had a disturbing conversation today until I realized that it's just jealousy.