Get the fk off my blog then.
In response to the last two negative troll comments (you know who you are) on my post about Self Care Lists being full of horse #$(#%(, kindly stop reading my blog then. “She
These self-care lists for women are complete horse$&@!
I have yet to see a self-care list directed towards women that includes anything properly adult and difficult. Take for instance this one:
Times when our intuition has saved our lives and on sexual assault
You must have heard “a woman’s intuition” before, but as I was mentioning it to my partner the other day, he said that men had it too! I paused, didn’t doub
How much can you get as childcare benefits and allowances in Québec or in Canada?
Last Updated: June 2020 It is not easy to find this information because it doesn’t seem to be very clear at all, so if you see something off, please let me know. I won’
Reason #127592 why I need to be wealthy: People aren’t poor because they’re lazy
A big reason of why I have to be wealthy, is so I can help without jeopardizing my own future. What do I mean by that? As an immigrant, I mean being able to send back money to fami
Elite schools do not necessarily mean your child will succeed
I could bore you with the details on my PhD dissertation research – but in a nutshell how a child learns/performs/insert favorite performance adjective here in school depends
$10.8 Trillion in unpaid, invisible female labour at home
I recently came across this article – Women’s unpaid labour is worth $10.8 trillion, and it basically talks about how globally, women do a lot of invisible work at home
How to make your own natural laundry detergent, shampoo and facial cleanser with soap nuts
You’re all gonna think I’m crazy. You really are. (P.S. Thanks to the few of you who have encouraged me in this craziness, and asked for the recipe on soap nuts.) WHERE
Discuss: “My husband won’t take a job below his degree”
This is not a specific question, but a general one that seems to be not really discussed or talked about. I received two messages: Situation #1 So I do wonder…. IF you and yo
How I went 33 years without a cellphone
OK I’m being a bit facetious, who has a cellphone when they’re a baby? LOL! But to be clear — I got my first cellphone in 2017 when I was 33 in 2017. When I tell