Secure your documents and identity from fraud & theft
Scam me if you can is one of the most comprehensive, clear, and factual books I have read (along with anecdotes) of how to protect your identity in this day and age from fraud and
5 Unusual Tasks I do
1. Turn oven breaker on every morning We are fiends for turning off things, but we go pretty far. We don’t just turn off the microwave until we need to use it, or the wifi, o
5 useless tasks I don’t do
There are things I used to do, that I have since decided are DUMB THINGS to focus on and are a waste of my time. Here are my 5, and #1 seems to be the most controversial. Many peop
Why sleeping on the floor on a Japanese futon rocks
I sleep on a futon. And I don’t mean a crappy Ikea foldable futon/couch/bed hybrid. I sleep on this good, soft, thick, dense futon made out of 100% cotton, and made in the U.
What my success and accomplishments have cost me
As I am slightly more active on Instagram than I have been in the past, I am getting a lot of real-time feedback and comments that I normally don’t get on the blog. I feel li
PSA: Don’t postpone joy
*PSA = Public Service Announcement So. I just want you all to know that I am still all about meeting money goals, crushing it at work and being an overall badass, but if there is s
Ask Sherry: How to speak up in meetings with senior executives and people
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. Hi Sherry, long time reader here with a career questio
Ask Sherry: On buying a 1-bedroom apartment with 1 child and living arrangements
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. Hello! My partner and I have a couple of kid-free days in Mon
Sunday Shopping: A pretty, practical & professional lunch bag that isn’t ugly AF
I have issues with lunch bags. Like therapist-chair, WHY CAN’T I FIND WHAT I WANT.. issues. Until I found this lunch bag. It is SoYoung Lunch Poche Bag and I found it on Anth
Emotional Labour is something that still falls on women
I can’t really say I have much of a leg to stand on. My partner organizes all of our trips when we leave, making sure that things are turned off (he has a list), and food eat