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What I read: Spring 2019 Edition

If you want to browse other posts on other books I have read they are all here – What I read.

I like books that are interesting. The topic could be economics, but it better be interesting and grip my attention.

I gravitate towards money and style books (obviously!), but will read all types of fiction or non-fiction if interesting enough.


You may not believe me, but I read a lot. I try to read just a bit before bed, I read when I take breaks, and I am forcing myself to read more non-fiction, but it is hard because my brain is so consumed with work during the day, Little Bun education in between (he doesn’t give me a break either with his math quizzes..), and then LIFE.


I do read. I just snatch in bits of reading when I can.

This is how it always is

I.. loved this book, and yet, would not read it again because it made me cry so much.

It is basically about a little boy who wants to become a little girl. It is written so honestly and realistically because the author herself, has a son who went through something similar (but the stories are made up of a bunch of other stories from others she had met).

It was so beautifully written, so painful to read, and it brought me right into the psyche of this child. It made me obviously, think of Little Bun, and while he doesn’t seem to be showing any of the same indicators, I pictured him in that story. I pictured him being painfully unable to fit in, always feeling strange and left out.. it really struck a chord with me, as I was also not a popular child for all of my school and even university years.

Anyway, great book. REALLY great book, and well-written. Just be prepared to cry a lot.

The logic of life

I have never been so interested in Economics before. Easy to read, riveting, full of great facts, human psychology notes.. I am ALL OVER his books.

This is highly recommended — it shows you how policy makers and CEOs don’t always make the best decisions because they aren’t able to follow through on recommended policies and procedures.

The Rise and Fall of Becky Sharp

A modern re-telling of Vanity Fair, one of my FAVOURITE books and movies of all time.

Excellently done, great twists, I really couldn’t put the book down, it was Vanity Fair, with social media. 🙂

Brilliantly written. VERY highly recommended. I loved it to the end.


Sedaris is one of my favourite writers. He has a certain style and wit about him, but either you like him or you don’t.

Some of his stories in there are a bit gross, all honest, and very deep.

I wouldn’t read it or recommend it unless you are a Sedaris fan.

All we ever wanted

Not your typical chick-lit because it is a serious, deep look into misogyny by way of fictional story-telling, and feminism at its core.

I would absolutely recommend it. It really isn’t chick-lit, it is about entitlement, and how our society and culture is shaped.

Lake Silence

Anne Bishop – one of my favourite writers in the world. I read EVERYTHING of hers. She came up with another fantasy world, and I don’t find it as compelling as her other two Fantasy Worlds that she created, but still a great read.

She did much better with the first batch of books. I felt less of a connection to these, and yet I devoured them like a maniacal fangirl.

The following are all Coffee Table books:

If only I owned a coffee table I’d own all of these books below. I won’t write much about each of them, because they’re all filled with great style inspiration, cute little notes about places in each city, and fantastic illustrations.

All recommended. I want to start a little fashion library just to have these books but I am resisting because I would not be able to stop….

How to wear stripes


How to wear denim

Same as the one above. GREAT style book for illustrations and ideas.

The Dress: 100 Iconic Moments


New York

What I couldn’t read

First chapter or two, then my brain said: Nope. Ain’t nobody got time to waste on these books… and I removed them.

Goes to show that “critically acclaimed” books are not always great reads for me. I’m too much of a pleb.

  • Book of Essie
  • Little Fires Everywhere


Here are all of my other What I read posts.

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