In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Say goodbye to coffee + other items because of climate change
1. COFFEE Goodbye coffee. Better get used to alternatives or giving it up completely because with climate change, coffee will be scarce in the future, along with wine and other ite
Week of Money: Where Little Bun tries to teach Babiest Stuffie manners
DAY ONE 7:40 p.m. — I make a sea urchin pasta and Little Bun adores it. DAY TWO 8:08 a.m. — This really irks me – financial abuse is rampant and treated as normal because
My top 5 items when traveling
Portable battery charger I actually have one just for when I go out. I use my phone so much for hotspotting when I work in the car, or when I need it for whatever reason. I used to
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Rich & Famous Tea + You could lose your job because of your online posts
1. DIGITALLY TRACKED You would be surprised.. or not, at how your online presence stays online, forever. Even though Facebook promised they had deleted my profiles, someone who wor
Week of Money: Where Little Bun doesn’t handle bullying well
DAY ONE 6:10 p.m. — Little Bun had a name in a game and burst into tears because he thought they hated his name and was making fun of him. I have no idea what is going on so I
What I read: The 2022 End of the Year Book Roundup
I read about 144 books last year, here are my favourites in a roundup from 2022. Here they are for the years when I started doing summaries: Year 2021 (249 books) Year 2020 (217 bo
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Scammed out of $233M to live a high life
1. $233M When things are too good to be true, they are TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE and it is likely a scam. This story sent ice through my veins as I read it. I felt SO BAD for the victims
Week of Money: Where this Blume frother is not worth the money and you should buy something else
DAY ONE 8:08 a.m. — It bothers me when products are not made well and this Blume frother, while cute, was a complete waste of money. I love their drink blends (salted caramel for
What I read: The Inflationary Christmas Edition
BOOK COUNT FOR THE YEAR: 144 January: 14 February: 5 March: 12 April: 8 May: 7 June: 12 July: 15 August: 16 September: 8 October: 14 November: 14 December: 19 Well I almost made it
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Closet Confession Videos and other articles
1. STYLE MAVENS I loved watching these two bounce their favourite items and styles off each other. I love watching both of their channels, so this is a treat. 2. FROTHING I still s