In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where I am suckered into wanting to Not Shop again
I am again, enamoured with articles about NOT SHOPPING and stopping it completely. I don’t believe in my heart I am That Girl, but I’d like to be. I guess what I don’t want, is to feel guilty if I do buy something, but at the same time, I also don’t like feeling shame when I do. This is more complex and deeper than I think, psychologically speaking, but perhaps the trick is to try and get myself to use my strategy of: THIS or THAT?, and set a “goal piece” that I really want to buy, and compare everything I want against it to stem my shopping habit.
I am an admitted sucker for cute prints, and this sushi one is no exception.
Is this the end of high heels as a sign of femininity? I looooove wearing high heels but have stopped recently because it is not the right work environment for that (too loud and clicky). That said, I do feel strange not being taller and I do feel less feminine which is probably why my outfits have become slightly more fitted and a little shorter as a result of my wearing flats. Odd right? I do find that my flats have also become far more feminine with a pointed toe, a bow, straps…
I am obsessively tracking a sale on these Bose Soundlink portable speakers. They would be so handy, are waterproof, small and the sound is bananas.
31 questions to ask yourself before setting your next goal. I don’t set goals. When I do, I never reach them because I don’t really feel the need to achieve or prove anything to anyone, least of all myself.
This gorgeous cognac bucket bag looks far more expensive than its price tag considering that similar bags go for 3X the price, and this one is even made in the USA…
A Parisienne’s wardrobe. As predicted — all neutrals, minimal pieces (in quantity and style), all classic pieces, and while very inspiring and #closetgoals and all dat, kinda not my thing…. I need colour & variety… oh and she only washed her hair with water and it looks great, except that it is too hard to maintain. Using shampoo is so much easier, and my current favourites are from John Masters Organics especially since they all smell so good.
If I had bookshelves, I’d buy these as decorative bookends..
*eyeroll*.. two instagrammers are feuding and suing each other over having the same looks and feeds.. They do look creepily similar, and even if mimicry is the best form of flattery, it can be jarring and annoying.
I badly want this for my kitchen to hold utensils but I know it would just be another item I don’t need seeing as I already have a container for utensils!
LF Tommy
I always go through the same exercise of swearing off looking at something for purchase that I think I can’t live without. I get obsessed with something and just start looking online, etc. Luckily as I investigate or research I end up smarter about said object of fixation and eventually stop thinking I really need it. All of this to say that I never set a goal of not spending but just say a prayer that I maintain the spending discipline skills that I have gained over the years. I actually like the window shopping experience as I research and think about a purchase. I think I enjoy the hunt much more than the kill. If I do pull the trigger I know that I really did want AND need it.