In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where these are realistic birth announcements
Realistic birth announcements… This one is absolutely hilarious: Meet the newest member of the family, Charlotte! My eyes say she’s so tiny but my vagina strongly disagrees.
OMG. OMG. I want this belted piped shirtdress from J.Crew so badly. WHY DID I BROWSE ONLINE? Grrr….
Related to toddlers….. I’m sorry, but these heels are just for the photos right? Who are these mothers like Brooklyn Blonde who are wearing 4″ stilettos and walking around with small, energetic, willful children? Tell me she switches into flats after shots are done…
Do you have #TravelDreams ?… this little Travel Bank is exactly what I’d buy for spare change and bills.
This look from the Olsens is exactly my new style thing, you know… I am layering necklaces like crazy and I love how delicate they are.
With all the rain that we have been getting (and snow), I feel like this rainbow umbrella à la Seinfeld would be perfect….
Unemployed? Here are some tips to make it through this stressful, kind of alienating time…
Can we please get off this style trend of handkerchief sleeves and ruffles? I AM DONE. BRING BACK PLAIN CLOTHES PLEASE. I am not some 19th-century doorman…
How do you explain leaving a job only after 3 months? This is how.
This dress might be a little too sweet with the ruffles on the shoulders for me (I have linebacker shoulders), but oddly enough I really.. REALLY.. want it… Could I just chop off the ruffles and add a little modesty neckline to it?…
Minh Thuy
That last dress was so pretty.