In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where the new survey says you need $160,000 to millions to be happy
Okay, I know.. this is yet another money article on how much you need to actually be happy (original number is still $75,000), but this time, the new survey numbers say $160,000. Interesting. That sounds more in line with my kind of lifestyle, but then again…. I’m spendy. We know that.
Actually, what I love best about the article is how far they go into talking about how money can’t buy you out of your human condition. Your stuff just becomes nicer, you live in a nicer home, drive a better car, eat better food… but the core needs are still the same. They don’t disappear or change. Watching the documentary Born Rich really brought that home for me.
I’m nervous about trying new things but this Dead Sea mud mask is getting good reviews and is under $15.
What worked in the first year of motherhood & working for Cassie was a great read for me. Her notes about thrifting and baby carrying / wrapping, totally held true for me as well with Baby Bun.
Why are they still making these hideous shirts? And for $300 to boot. Whenever I see this blatant logo, I avert my eyes. They should focus on making beautiful, luxurious, logo-free items like this gorgeous cardigan instead.
Did you know that L’Oreal was built by a titan who flourished under the Nazis. What an eye opening history lesson.
Next week, I am breaking out this shearling jacket because it is everything I have ever dreamed it would be. It’s a classic yet trendy piece that is still going strong.
I liked this look into equality in marriage…Â Â I have to say that from my observations, money seems to be the defining factor in equality in marriage (say what you like, it is what it is because cash is king.. or queen..), and the way I’ve managed to find equality is to pay my half so that my partner has ZERO cause to say anything. I can even use it as a trump card in arguments like: “Did you know that I am a rarity in that I pay half? Don’t even get me started.” .. and we are both happier as a result. Of course, it works for us because we also make the same amount of money… when we work. H/T to Revanche for the link
Still want this world map cuff. Still can’t pay the price which is odd because I’m so spendy.