Basic B*tch Numbers You Should Know About Your Money
I’m not saying you need to know it down to the cent at any given moment, but 6 months or so, do a check in. Ideally, monthly (I do this, because I’m a money nerd), but the bare
Average Net Worth by Age in Canada (& Growth between 2019 versus 2020)
Net worth benchmarking has always motivated me. Yes, I can feel jealous or “ugh why am I not here”, sometimes, but it helps me see that maybe, I could aim for the moon
Perspective: How much people have saved for retirement by age (informal)
Completely informal poll, a cumulative effort of a poll by Alyssa of Mixed Up Money‘s stories, a fellow Canadian and advocate for all things money & equality, I created a
Canada Levels of Wealth: Top 1% in Net Worth by Age & Income in Toronto, Vancouver, Montréal and Calgary
Canadian net worth is a little trickier to pin down because all the surveys and info are so U.S.-centric. That said, KA came up with a great way to triangulate how to figure out ne
Net Worth by Age (Informal Instagram Survey) & Breakdown with Details
Net Worth Survey I did a short little informal survey, inspired by Alyssa @mixedupmoney to NORMALIZE that net worths span a wide range, even within an age range, nay, an AGE, you c
What goes into a Net Worth Calculation?
I have been doing this for so long I forget that sometimes people have very confused ideas about what goes into a net worth and what doesn’t. I don’t think I have ever
Even with $1M in net worth, I would have been denied a mortgage
Yep. You read that right. If I wanted to go in today, and get a mortgage for a rental property or something, they wouldn’t give it to me. Why? Because banks look at your EARN
What should my net worth be by age group (with and without homes) .. and the Top 1% Net worths
There are lots of ways to calculate what a benchmarked net worth should be. You can read all of my posts on Net Worth here. The data can be broken down in various ways. Net Worth W
Our combined net worths are $2.2M – Added Notes on the Journeys
My partner has literally zero interest in counting his money like Midas, and I am the opposite, constantly tracking and creating charts on my progress, and looking back with pride
How to become a millionaire at retirement starting with nothing $0 at ages 20, 30, 40 and 50 (Added: 25, 35, 45)
Age-old question right? Well here you go, this is what you need to invest in the S&P 500 index (either in a mutual fund or an ETF), and let it sit and marinate over the years: