Save. Spend. Splurge.

In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.

Changing up the traditional wedding kimono to be a strapless dress instead is very pretty, but I prefer the traditional one. I own a couple of vintage kimonos (I collected a few), and I have one that I would love to test this out on…. as a fancy dress option 😉 H/T to The Asian Pear.


  • Taste of France

    The BBC interview is very on-point. In my office, the men who “had to” come in late or “had to” leave early for family were practically revered by the bosses (all men) while the women, who rarely asked for anything, got punished severely when they did. At the time, I was single and childless and protested about the double standard (as a disinterested childless person), but to no avail. It still make me mad, years later. And nothing has changed in the meantime.

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